champion |
Trained peer leaders (for example, point-of-care nurses) who assume formal or informal leadership roles to support the introduction, implementation and/or sustainability of best practice guidelines in workplace settings. (Ploeg et al., 2010).
Trained peer leaders who help introduce, implement or sustain best practices (Ploeg et al., 2010)
change agent |
An individual who is “actively developing the skills, confidence, power, relationships and courage to make a positive difference”. (Horizons NHS School for Change Agents, 2019, Module 1)
Someone who develops knowledge and skills to make a positive difference
change initiative |
An act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something. (Oxford Dictionary, 2021)
A strategy intended to resolve a challenge or improve a situation. (Oxford Dictionary, 2021)
change team |
Individuals and groups working together to improve health outcomes. Examples of team members are health providers from different disciplines, persons/patients and families, educators, students, or other staff or volunteers.
Individuals and groups working together to improve health outcomes.
civil society organization |
An organization that are advocating for the interests and needs of citizens with a specific focus or cause independent of governments. Examples can include charities, unions, associations and non-governmental organizations. (Grinspun et al., 2018a)
An organization that are advocating for the interests and needs of citizens.
collective action |
The action taken by individuals, a group, or an organization in pursuit of perceived shared interests. (Bell, 2014b)
Strategic action(s) taken for a shared concern or desired change.
collective identity |
Collective identity includes 1) a cognitive definition based on the shared goals of the social movement; 2) the presence of social ties and relationships with others engaged in the social movement; and 3) an emotional investment and recognition with others engaged in the social movement. It is formed by those engaged in the social movement and evolves, as the movement progresses. (Melucci, 1989; as cited by Grinspun, 2018).
The shared identity of persons engaged in a social movement as defined by those persons.
consequence |
An outcome, event, or incident that may occur as a direct result of the concept. It cannot be a defining attribute or an antecedent of the concept (Walker & Avant, 2005).
Synonym: Outcome
An outcome that may result from a concept (for example, social movement) occurring.
context |
“…factors that are separate from the actual intervention itself and the actors receiving the intervention, but which may nonetheless contribute to the success of the intervention”. (Squires et al., 2019)
Factors that surround an implementation, but are separate from the change and the individuals impacted by the change (Squires et al., 2019)
core leadership structure |
A group of people whose role is to share the leadership and responsibilities for guiding a social movement. (Bibby et al., 2009; del Castillo et al., 2016)
Synonyms: Change team, Steering committee.
A group of people who share leadership and responsibility for guiding a change initiative.
critical mass |
The degree of momentum or energy needed to initiate and sustain a change. (Rogers, 2003)
The amount of engaged people, momentum and energy to achieve and sustain a change. (Rogers, 2003)