Through our advocacy work, ongoing consultations with the Ontario government, we are vigilant in our mission to enhance the nursing profession. Members are often among the first to learn of proposed changes to public policy and members often provide input in policy making decisions. RNAO regularly monitors and responds to issues relating to the nursing workforce, scope of practice, nursing culture and safety, education and regulation with evidence-based recommendations. RNAO continues to sound the alarm on the need to put more resources into primary care, home and community care to decrease the number of patients in hospital.

Take action

Action Alert
Fund nurse practitioners in primary care, premier!
Urge Premier Ford and Minister Jones to fund NPs to provide primary care for Ontarians, without user fees.
Action Alert
Let’s make pharmacare happen!
Call on Prime Minister Trudeau, the Senate and Premier Ford that it’s time for universal, single-payer pharmacare!
Action Alert
Fund supervised consumption sites immediately, premier
Call on Premier Ford to fund supervised consumption sites immediately, bring an end to the toxic drug crisis and save lives.

Current issues

Long-term care and rehab
Long-term care
An aging long-term care resident population with increasing medical complexity calls for increased care from staff with the right skill mix, yet Ontario continues to underfund and understaff homes. Residents and staff deserve better.
Nursing policy
Chronic underfunding and understaffing across all health sectors in Ontario, and the relentless replacement of RNs and NPs with less qualified health-care workers, is challenging the effectiveness of RNs and NPs and the system as a whole.
Opioid overdose crisis
For over a decade, Canadians have been dying at an increasing rate from opioid overdoses. Between January 2016 and December 2021, nearly 30,000 Canadians died from an opioid overdose. Ontario is not immune to this tragedy.

Our vision

Our vision is of an Ontario that creates the conditions for health and wellness for everyone by addressing the many determinants of health.

That means a system that is

accessible icon

with interprofessional care teams anchored in the communities where people live, work and play.

person centered icon

where a person and their support system are viewed as a whole and empowered to be genuine partners for their own health.


where deliberate efforts are made to decrease gaps in health outcomes, services and experiences.


where care is coordinated so that transitions from sector to sector, service to service, are seamless.

publicly funded icon
Publicly funded and not-for-profit

so that it is efficient and sustainable and everyone, no matter their means, receives the care they require.

Upcoming events

Queen's Park on the Road (QPOR)
It allows RNAO members to meet their MPPs within their local constituency to discuss key nursing, health, and health-care issues that matter to them and that affect their day-to-day practice.
AGM 2024
RNAO's 99th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in-person at the Hilton Toronto. Join us on June 20 - 22, 2024 as we recognize the incredible efforts of RNs, NPs and nursing students through this year's theme "Nursing: Celebrating successes, solving challenges."
Take Your MPP To Work
Each year, commencing at the beginning of Nursing Week, we encourage RNs, NPs and nursing students to take part in our annual Take Your MPP To Work™ political action event.

The RNAO policy library provides search for all our policy resources.