Mental Health and Addictions Hero image

Substance use, mental health and RNAO

Our journey

Mental health and wellbeing are essential to everyday health. Data suggests one in five Canadians experience a mental health concern each year, highlighting a crisis in Canada. Since the pandemic began, 50 per cent of Canadians have reported worsening mental health, with increases in stress levels, depression, anxiety and higher rates of substance use and associated deaths related to opioid toxicity. This crisis has taken more than 22,300 lives in Ontario from July 2018 to December 2024.

Nurses know that saving lives requires an integrated approach to substance use in addition to treatment. This includes providing supervised consumption services sites and other harm reduction approaches.  The Ontario government’s plan to gut and prohibit harm reduction programming places ideology over health care. People will continue to die without these critical services.

I live the reality of accidental drug overdose awareness everyday having lost my 18-year-old son Austin to fentanyl in June 2020. He fell through the cracks of a broken system. Harm reduction involves upstream prevention through a variety of ways: housing and mental health support, education, safe supply for those not ready to stop using, consumption and treatment services, decriminalization for minor possession (to redirect resources to housing and mental health), and appropriate, accessible, evidence-informed treatment available for those ready to recover. We must do better.

Kathy Moreland, RN


Resources for support

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If you are in crisis, please call your local distress line (learn more). If you are facing a mental health emergency, please call 911.

  1. ConnexOntario provides accurate and up-to-date mental health information 24/7 by telephone, chat and email.
  2. 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline is a national three-digit number for suicide prevention and emotional distress, available across Canada 24/7 by text or phone in English and French.
  3. The Government of Ontario's mental health support page provides links to mental health, wellness and substance use supports for the general public.
  4. FOR NURSES ONLY: Nurses' Health Program is a free, voluntary program for Ontario nurses designed to encourage them to seek treatment for substance use or mental health disorders.

Substance use policy and advocacy

RNAO continues to advocate for health policies that are grounded in determinants of health, supporting people who use drugs wherever they are at in their care trajectory. For example, people with mental health and substance use issues need adequate income supports and affordable housing.

While we wait for government action, we tirelessly assert the need for an integrated system of care – including harm reduction – to best support people with mental health or substance use issues. This requires continued funding of supervised consumption services (SCS) sites and other harm reduction services. RNAO demands funding of SCS sites in every community in need and decriminalizing simple drug possession across Ontario.

Opioid overdose crisis

For over a decade, Canadians have been dying at an increasing rate from opioid overdoses. Between January 2016 and December 2021, nearly 30,000 Canadians died from an opioid overdose. Ontario is not immune to this tragedy.

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The criminalization of simple drug possession in cities across Ontario is costing lives. Toronto is no exception. On May 15, 2023, RNAO wrote to candidates in Toronto’s 2023 by-election for mayor asking them to sign a pledge to support decriminalizing simple drug possession in Toronto. Find out which candidates signed the pledge.

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Members leading change

RNAO is committed to working collaboratively to improve the health-care sector, provincially and nationally. Through its collaborations, RNAO provides evidence-based recommendations to governments and organizations to support people with mental health or substance use issues.

Mental Health Nursing Interest Group (MHNIG) logo

Mental Health Nursing Interest Group (MHNIG)

MHNIG, an RNAO interest group, promotes:

  • the health and wellbeing of people who are at risk of experiencing mental illness and/or emotional distress
  • mental health services responsive to the needs and wishes of individuals with lived experience and the community
  • the role of RNs and NPs in serving people with mental health concerns

Read more  Join MHNIG now

Andrew Marlowe

Interest group chair

Andrew Marlowe


Kaitlin Marriner Brulotte

Interest group chair-elect

Kaitlin Marriner Brulotte


Community Health Nurses Initiatives Group (CHNIG)

Community Health Nurses' Initiatives Group (CHNIG)

CHNIG, an RNAO interest group, provides a voice for all community health nurses (CHN). The group works to:

  • build capacity and leadership in CHNs
  • strengthen the profile of CHNs and articulate the significance of their practice
  • maximize nursing student involvement in community health nursing
  • influence the health-care system, health and social policy affecting their work and the public they serve

Read more  Join CHNIG now

Mathew McGuigan

Interest group president

Mathew McGuigan

RN, BHSc, BScN, MScN (Candidate)

Susan Tam

Interest group past-president

Susan Tam


Members mobilizing change

RNAO resolutions

RNAO members amplify their voices and help to mobilize change by submitting resolutions to RNAO for consideration and discussion at its Annual General Meeting.

AGM low


Include vaping and nicotine in Ontario’s Smoke-Free strategy

Renew Ontario’s Smoke-Free Strategy to include vaping and nicotine.

Advocate for anti-bullying initiatives in nursing education 

Advocate for establishing anti-bullying initiatives within nursing education programs across Ontario.


Improve nursing working conditions to prevent workplace injuries

Improve the working conditions of nurses and build necessary capacity to prevent workplace injuries and provide mental health support to the health-care workforce.

Advocate for a strategy to address the opioid crisis

Advocate for an integrated strategy to address the opioid crisis.


Expand NP scope of practice to include authority to complete forms under the Mental Health Act

Advocating for NP scope of practice expansion to include the ability to initiate and complete all forms under the Mental Health Act.

Timely Access to Perinatal Mental Health Services​​​​

Advocating municipal, provincial and federal governments for funding to increase timely access to perinatal mental health services.

Accessibility of Sharps Boxes in Patients Room​​​​​​

Promote education and information regarding appropriate organization policies and client centered assessment to ensure individuals who use substances have access to appropriate harm reduction tools.


Integrated Strategy to Address Substance Use Disorder

Advocate for the Ministry of Health and its allies to: 1. Accelerate and augment the Road to Wellness (2020) initiatives and by implementing a province-wide, integrated strategy for substance use disorder (SUD) that will address prevention; and 2. Create and fund roles for trauma-informed SUD coordinators to support and educate those working with this population and those they serve. 

Decriminalization of drug possession for personal use

Advocate for municipal, provincial and federal governments to take all actions within their power to decriminalize the possession of drugs for personal use, in order to reduce the harms of the opioid crisis.

Access to mental health supports for Ontario children and youth

Lobby the government for designated funds to ensure equitable access to mental health services within 30 days of presenting mental health related concerns, so that children and youth, up to and including eighteen years of age, do not suffer long term consequences related to delayed assessments, diagnoses, and interventions.

Increasing knowledge of safer opioid supply​​​​​

Advocate for the increased knowledge and accessibility of safer supply prescribing programs and practices among Ontario health-care and social service professionals.

Other resolutions

Psychotherapy insurance

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It has been seven years this month since my son Bradley John Chapman died after an overdose of toxic drugs. Memories of Brad are with me always and leave me broken on many days still.

He has left siblings, children, grandchildren and friends trying to understand this needless death. It was a needless death as are the many that occurred before and after, from lack of understanding, lack of services and neglect for people suffering from mental health and addictions.

There have been improvements and steps forward including RNAO's Best Practice Guidelines and implementation of Supervised Injection Sites in some jurisdictions. However, the lack of housing, and toxic drug supply continue to exacerbate the problem.

The grief never dies and my life and our family are forever changed by this loss.

Cori Chapman, RN


Capacity building

RNAO’s Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) Program enhances evidence-based care and services related to mental health and substance use across all health-care settings. We also produce educational toolkits and education guides for practitioners.

Do you want to access webinars, events, e-learn modules, educational videos? Visit the program web page: Mental Health and Substance Use Program

Best practice guidelines

RNAO Best Practice Guidelines (BPG) are systematically developed, evidence-based documents that include recommendations for nurses and the interprofessional team, educators, leaders and policy-makers, persons and their chosen families on specific clinical and healthy work environment topics. RNAO has more than 50 BPGs covering four themes: foundational, clinical, system and healthy work environment, and population and public health.

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What is stigma?

The video features an NP and a person with lived experience discussing stigma, how it impacts nurses and other health-care providers, and ways to reduce stigma.

E-Learning modules

These free e-Learning modules help broaden nursesʼ knowledge and skills to better support individuals experiencing mental health and/or substance use issues.

  1. Engaging Clients Who Use Substances
  2. Nursing Towards Equity: Applying the Social Determinants of Health in Practice
  3. Integrating Tobacco Interventions into Daily Practice
  4. Tobacco Use and Cessation with Youth and Young Adults

RNAO programs for nurses

Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowships

Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowships

RNAO established the new ACPF Health and Wellness Stream in the Spring of 2022 in response to chronic shortages of nurses within the system and increases in nurse fatigue and burnout associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. If pursuing a fellowship in this stream, you can focus on promoting wellbeing and creating a healthy work environment, improving retention or recruitment of nurses, or providing mentorship or support for new staff.

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Mental health and substance use in the media


Media hits

Media stories 

RNAO has been mentioned in the following stories:


Dec. 6

Nov. 29

Sept. 4

Sept. 3

Aug. 31

Aug. 28:

Aug. 26: 

Aug. 25 

Aug. 24

Aug. 23

Aug. 22

Aug. 21 

Aug. 20

Aug. 19

 Aug. 15

June 6

June 1

May 28

May 27

May 20

May 13

May 10

May 9 

May 1

April 29

April 24

April 3

April 2

March 27

Feb. 29

Feb. 21

Jan. 29

Jan. 26

Jan. 25


Oct. 21

Oct. 18

Oct. 13

Oct. 12

Oct. 10

Oct. 9 

Oct. 6

Oct. 5

Oct. 4

Aug. 10

Social media

Get involved. Use the following hashtags on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram to participate in the ongoing dialogue: 

#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #SubstanceUse #HarmReduction #OpioidOverdoseCrisis

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