Nursing Quality Indicators for Reporting and Evaluation® (NQuIRE®) is the first international quality improvement initiative of its kind consisting of a data system of quality indicators derived from recommendations within RNAO’s clinical Best Practice Guidelines (BPGs).
NQuIRE collects, analyzes and reports data on nursing-sensitive indicators reflecting the structure, process and outcomes of care arising from BPG implementation in organizations participating in RNAO’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) designation. International, national and provincial BPSOs will be able to use NQuIRE data to link evidence-informed nursing practice with quality-of-care outcomes.
Why Is NQuIRE Important?
The utilization of NQuIRE will provide a number of benefits for patients, nurses, organizations and health systems to inform where and how RNAO’s BPGs are enhancing nursing practice and patient outcomes, as well as organizational and health system performance, for evidence-based decision making.
For more information:
NQuIRE Data System: http://nquire.rnao.ca.

International Advisory Council (IAC)
The council, comprised of experts in big data, quality improvement, performance measurement, health informatics and knowledge translation. The council’s co-chairs are RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun and Dr. John Lavis, professor in the department of health evidence and impact at McMaster University, and head of RISE. IAC includes representatives from health and academic organizations in North America and abroad, including Spain and France.