Case studies
Social Movement Action Framework
Strengthening health systems: The experience of the National Health Forum in El Salvador (2009 - 2018)
A nationwide social movement in El Salvador from 2009 to 2018 supported the achievement of the National Health Forum and exemplified goals and outcomes being met by activists. Read more in this case study.
The National Health Forum (NHF), a nationwide popular movement in El Salvador, played a central role in the development of the National Public Health System from 2009 to 2018 (León et al., 2020). It is part of a global movement that aims to build coalitions and networks. The People’s Health Movement (PHM) brought together grassroots health activists, civil society organizations and academic institutions from around the world to address the social, environmental, and economic determinants of health (Kapilashrami et al., 2016).
The NHF provides a strong example of community participation and exemplifies a social movement with fully achieved goals. Formally created in 2010, the NHF had three fundamental goals that were met via social movement actions:
- to build people’s power and strengthen the organizational fabric
- to stand against the idea that previous governments held of privatizing health care
- to stimulate and promote effective social participation in health
The NHF developed three community participation strategies that played a role in strengthening El Salvador’s national public health system. These strategies are: (1) building capacity among local community leaders to become effective decision-makers at all levels of the health-care system, (2) responding to and prioritizing the needs identified by the community for the sector-specific working groups, and (3) advocating for policies based on human rights.
“The NHF was born with high participation of different social movements, all united in the same direction. There were a series of problems, as they wanted to privatize health care […] The NHF was created when the health reform came into being. We, the NHF, are part of the reform” – NHF member

Advocating for change through the Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer's Association was started by activists committed to advancing Alzheimer's knowledge through research.
The Alzheimer’s Association (Alzheimer's Association | Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Help) was founded in 1980 by a group of family care providers and individuals who supported the need for an organization dedicated to support the needs of caregivers facing Alzheimer’s and to advance knowledge through research. As early activists for the Alzheimer’s movement, they sought to break down the silence of Alzheimer’s and learn more about the disease, including prevention, treatment and a cure.
Through a people-led approach, the association reaches millions of people globally through a multi-pronged approach grounded in individual and collective action. Advocacy to give all persons living with Alzheimer’s access to the support services they need includes strategies such as launching awareness campaigns and grassroots campaigns to impact legislation.
With multiple chapters throughout North America and globally, the Alzheimer’s Association includes a network of advocates and allies. These include other Alzheimer’s organizations, universities engaged in research, corporations and pharmaceuticals. As an example of a civil society organization, the Alzheimer’s Association is a community-based non-profit organization that has protected and advocated for the needs and interests of persons and families living with Alzheimer’s for over 40 years.

Scaling up change to address hunger and food waste through The Campus Kitchens Project
The Campus Kitchens Project was an effective scaled up change initiative that addressed food insecurity. read more in this case study.
The Campus Kitchens Project (CKP) is an example of a successful scaled-up change initiative. Founded in 2001 as a branch of a community kitchen initiative that targeted food insecurity in Washington, D.C., United States, this non-profit is the first and largest student-led social movement taking on the crisis of food waste and hunger in the United States (Larson et al., 2017). More than 30,000 students in 63 universities, colleges and high schools are now repurposing unwanted or surplus food to provide meals to people who have food insecurity.
Working in leadership teams, student leaders and volunteers on campuses receive education, training and coaching over a period of several months to help empower people, families and communities on topics including:
- food insecurity
- improving social and nutritional health by increasing food knowledge and helping others developing cooking skills
The Campus Kitchen Project also establishes community partnerships with existing local organizations that provide services and food to individuals already challenged with food insecurity, such as senior housing facilities, youth outreach groups and churches. Local leadership teams also partner with dining services that operate large foodservice kitchens and dining halls and engage student groups and faculty advisors.
Student teams carry out different functions. While some teams focus on improving the way that homeless shelters prepare and deliver meals, other teams host communal dinners, partner with senior centers, or improve transportation to improve access to food.
“Instead of more branch offices or trying to provide all the services in-house, we find universities and students to partner with who already have the necessary resources on campus and want to do this kind of community impact work. Turning our nation’s institutions of higher education into hubs for replication and ongoing innovation could be the superhighway to scaling up for any nonprofit.” - Laura Toscano, Director, The Campus Kitchens Project

Knowledge-to-Action Framework
Applying the Knowledge-to-Action Framework to reduce wound infections at Perley Health
A case study on reducing wound infections at Perley Health in Ottawa, Ontario to advance best practices using the Knowledge-to-Action framework.
Perley Health is a designate Long-Term Care Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) which demonstrates a strong commitment to providing evidence-based care. During the pandemic, the team identified skin and wound infection as a clinical concern among their residents. Consistent with the literature, residents at Perley Health experiencing comorbid medical conditions such as frailty, diabetes, and arterial and venous insufficiency were at increased risk for chronic wound infections [1]. Chronic wounds are a prime environment for bacteria, including biofilm, making wound infection a common problem [2] [3]. Managing biofilm, which can affect wound healing by creating chronic inflammation or infection [3], becomes crucial as up to 80 per cent of infections are caused by this type of bacteria [4] [5].
To adopt and integrate best practices, the team at Perley Health decided to implement the Assessment and Management of Pressure Injuries for the Interprofessional Team best practice guideline (BPG). To support a systematic approach to change, four of the action cycle phases of the Knowledge-to-Action Framework, from the Leading Change Toolkit [6] are highlighted below.

Identify the problem
Perley Health’s wound care protocol was audited and the following gaps were identified based on current evidence:
- Aseptic wound cleansing technic could be improved, as nonsterile gauze was used for wound cleansing.
- Wound cleaning solution was not effective to manage microbial load in chronic wounds
- Baseline wound infection data were collected on the number of infected wounds within the organization each month over three years and is ongoing
Adapt to local context
The project was supported by key formal and informal leaders within the organization including the Nurse Specialized in Wounds, Ostomy and continence (NSWOC), the Director of Clinical Practice, a team of wound care champions, the IPAC team and material management. Staff was motivated to improve resident outcomes by lowering infection rates which facilitated the project but many continued to use old supplies so as to not waste material. Providing the rationale for the change and associated best practices improved knowledge uptake, as did removing old supplies to cut down on confusion. Barriers the team encountered included staff turnover and educating new team members.
Select, tailor, implement interventions
The interventions listed below were selected, tailored and implemented based on the evidence that was adapted to the local context. They were purposely chosen to support the clinical teams’ needs on busy units and to creatively overcome staffing challenges. Interventions included:
- use of a wound cleanser containing an antimicrobial
- use of sterile equipment for wound care, including sterile gauze
- creation of a wound-cleansing protocol was created to reflect best practice
- updating and approval of a policy by the Risk Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers team in collaboration with the director of clinical practice
Perley Health also created and delivered education in two formats designed to be accessible to front-line staff:
- Just-in-Time education was provided on every unit, on every shift, to registered staff by the NSWOC on all shift sets, over a one-month period. Wound care champions were available on each shift to aid in learning and answer additional questions to support the team’s needs.
- A continuing education online learning module was created and uploaded onto Perley Health’s Surge learning platform. Training is included in new hire onboarding and mandatory for yearly education.
An RPN demonstrating how to cleanse a wound using wound cleanser at Perley Health
Evaluate outcomes
Evaluation indicators were selected to determine the impact of the implementation interventions when compared to baseline data, including the rate of wound and skin infections per 1,000 days. A 50 per cent reduction in wound infections was identified following the implementation of the identified change strategies and education above.
This graph represents four years of data collection on wound infections at Perley Health. Three years of baseline data and one year of post-implementation data are highlighted in red.

- Azevedo, M., Lisboa, C., & Rodrigues, A. (2020). Chronic wounds and novel therapeutic approaches. British Journal of Community Nursing, 25 (12), S26-s32.
- Landis, S.J. (2008). Chronic Wound Infection and Antimicrobial Use. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 21 (11), p 531-540.
- Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2016). Clinical best practice guidelines: Assessment and management of pressure injuries for the interprofessional team (3rd ed.). Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario: Toronto, ON.
- Jamal, M., Ahmad, W., Andleeb, S., Jalil, F., Imran, M., Nawaz. M., Hussain, T., Ali, M., Rafiq, M., & Kamil, M.A. (2018). Bacterial biofilm and associated infections. J Chin Med Assoc. 81(1): 7-11.
- Murphy, C., Atkin, L., Swanson, T., Tachi, M., Tan, Y.K., De Ceniga, M.V., Weir, D., Wolcott, R., Ĉernohorská, J., Ciprandi, G., Dissemond, J., James, G.A., Hurlow, J., Lázaro MartÍnez, J.L., Mrozikiewicz-Rakowska, B., & Wilson, P. (2020). Defying hard-to-heal wounds with an early antibiofilm intervention strategy: wound hygiene. J Wound Care, (Sup3b):S1-S26.
- Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2022). Leading change toolkit: Knowledge-to-action framework. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario: Toronto, ON.

Implementing effective interventions for drug and alcohol use using Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
Evidence-based interventions to support the development of a screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for persons who use drugs and alcohol.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is endorsed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration as an effective intervention for drug and alcohol use. SBIRT has been implemented in multiple health-care settings including acute care.
Implementation leaders were asked to identify barriers, facilitators, as well as implementation strategies that would be most helpful. From this review, implementation leaders perceived that providing ongoing consultation to clinicians for using SBIRT, distributing educational materials to clinicians, and conducting audits and providing feedback were the most helpful.
All implementation leaders voiced the value of available training resources, and peer support as they moved through the implementation process.
Implementation leaders felt more confident leading change in the future due to the knowledge and skills they developed during SBIRT implementation. They also learned the importance of leveraging support from other interprofessional team members, such as social workers and clinical educators.
Read more about it here. Learn more about SBIRT here. Or, review our best practice guideline, Engaging Clients Who Use Substances.

Leveraging innovative quality monitoring - Humber River Hospital
Humber River Hospital is an acute care facility that has used continuous monitoring to determine the impact of BPG implementation and staff performance.
A major acute-care hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Humber River Hospital (now Humber River Health) has used continuous monitoring to determine the impact of their BPG implementation and staff performance.
These tiles, displayed on large screen monitors in a Command Centre (pictured above), are integrated into the daily delivery of care to support physicians, nurses, and other clinical staff. Each row within the tile represents a patient, followed by where they are located. By clicking on a patient, staff can see more information regarding the clinical criteria that put them on the tile.
With every patient, there is an expected time in which the issue should be resolved based on a service level set by the hospital. If the system detects that the process is taking longer than expected, the icon will escalate to amber and then to red, indicating a higher level of alert.
Tiles also include several quality monitoring indicators based on RNAO's best practice guidelines (BPG) related to fall risk intervention, wound and skin management, pain management and delirium management. By centralizing data in the Command Centre, the monitoring indicators empower clinicians so that they can intervene in a timely manner to ensure that best practices are followed.
Read more about this innovative quality monitoring approach here:

Engaging Persons with Lived Experiences
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital: Co-designing change through the active engagement of persons with lived experience
A case study from Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital focused on engaging persons with lived experience in a change process.
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (hereafter referred to as Holland Bloorview) is a designated Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Holland Bloorview has an award-winning Family Leadership Program (FLP), through which family leaders partner with the organization and the Bloorview Research Institute to co-design, shape, and improve services, programs, and policies. Family leaders are families and caregivers who have received services at Holland Bloorview, and have lived experiences of paediatric disability. Family leaders’ roles include being a mentor to other families, an advisor to committees and working groups, and faculty who co-teach workshops to students and other families.

Family Leader Roles at Holland Bloorview. Photo provided with permission by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.
The ENFit™ Working Group is an example of a successful implementation co-design process within Holland Bloorview. The ENFit™ Working Group is an interprofessional team working on the adoption of a new type of connection on products used for enteral feeding [feeding directly through the stomach or intestine via a tube]. By introducing the ENFit™ system, a best practice safety standard, the working group plans to reduce the risk of disconnecting the feeding tube from other medical tubes, and thus decrease harm to children and youth who require enteral feeding.

Family Partnering with the EnFit Working Group. Photo provided with permission by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.
The working group invited a family member and leader whose son had received services at Holland Bloorview. This family member had significant lived experience with enteral feeding management, enteral medication administration, and other complexities associated with enteral products. During the meetings, great attention was given to the potential impacts on persons and families. The group engaged the family member by:
- co-creating the implementation plan
- involving them in a failure mode affects analysis, which highlighted the impact of the feeding tube supplies on transitions to home, school, and other care settings
- working with the family member to advocate for safe transitions within the provincial pediatric system, which led to the development of the Ontario Pediatric ENFit™ Group
To learn more about Holland Bloorview’s experience in partnering with families in a co-design process, watch their 38-minute webinar: The Power of Family Partnerships.

Engaging Patient Family Advisors to advance guideline implementation at Scarborough Health Network
A case study about the integration of patient family advisors at Scarborough Health Network to enhance community engagement and health equity.
Scarborough Health Network (SHN) (Home - Scarborough Health Network ( is an organization pursuing Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) designation in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Patient Family Advisors (PFAs) are a vital part of SHN’s philosophy of care, representing the diverse community SHN serves. A key element of the PFA role is sharing lived experiences with SHN staff and the Scarborough community.
SHN has demonstrated commitment to the role of PFAs within their organization by creating a new department for health equity, patient and community engagement (HEPCE). This department focuses on:
- recruiting, onboarding, managing, recognizing and retaining PFAs
- educating staff on best practices related to engaging with PFAs
During recruitment and onboarding, the HEPCE and current PFAs educate potential PFAs about the role’s scope and expectations. All PFAs are also provided with information on how to share their patient or caregiver story with their audience.
PFAs have played an important role in SHN’s BPSO committee. Indeed, one PFA has been integral to the process of recruiting and engaging champions at SHN throughout the COVID-19 pandemic’s health human resources (HHR) crisis. Their role has included participating in champions’ virtual drop-in sessions (2020-2021) and in-person roadshows (2022).
Champion roadshows are events during, which SHN practice leaders and PFAs promote the BPSO program, share best practice guidelines and recruit champions around the organization, without asking busy staff members to leave their units.
The PFA also supported the recruitment and engagement of champions by:
- collaborating with other champions and working group members to plan champions’ drop-in sessions and roadshows
- working alongside the team to plan safe spaces for staff and PFAs to share their stories
- sharing stories of positive experiences with staff members in relation to the impact of best practices (for example, RNAO’s Person and Family Centred-Care best practice guideline) on their experience
Staff members have reported being motivated to become best practice champions after attending a champion’s roadshow. SHN has also consistently gained champions during the HHR crisis and maintains at least 15 per cent of nursing staff as best practice champions.
The PFA’s role was vital to demonstrating the lasting impact of best practices. They have expressed feeling empowered by their role in BPSO work, expressing that the work helped them find their voice and become part of the movement to promote and implement best practices.
Overall, PFAs play an essential – and dual – role in supporting the implementation of best practices at SHN. In line with person- and family-centred care, PFAs assume an outward-facing role in shaping the implementation of best practices and SHN’s values. In addition, they also act in an inward-facing role to support the bolstering of champions.
To learn more about the PFA role at SHN, please visit the following link: Patient Family Advisors.
Shared with permission by Scarborough Health Network

Co-designing change through the active engagement of persons with lived experience - Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Case study - Holland Bloorview
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (Holland Bloorview) is a designated Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) in Toronto, Canada. Holland Bloorview has an award-winning Family Leadership Program (FLP), through which family leaders partner with the organization and the Bloorview Research Institute to co-design, shape and improve services, programs and policies.
These family leaders are families and caregivers who have received services at Holland Bloorview and have lived experiences of paediatric disability. Their roles include mentoring other families, acting as advisors to committees and working groups, and co-teaching workshops to students and other families.
One example of a successful implementation co-design within Holland Broadview is the ENFit™ Working Group. This interprofessional team works on the adoption of a new type of connection on products used for enteral feeding – or feeding directly through the stomach or intestine via a tube. By introducing the ENFit™ system, a best practice safety standard, the working group plans to reduce the risk of disconnecting the feeding tube from other medical tubes. This in turn decreases harm to children and youth who require enteral feeding.
The working group invited a family member and leader whose son had received services at Holland Bloorview. This family member had significant lived experience with enteral feeding management, enteral medication administration, and other complexities associated with enteral products. During the meetings, the potential impacts on persons and families were emphasized. The working group engaged the family member by:
- co-creating the implementation plan
- involving them in a failure mode and effects analysis highlighting the impact of the feeding tube supplies on transitions to home, school and other care settings
- working with the family member to advocate for safe transitions within the provincial pediatric system, which led to the development of the Ontario Pediatric ENFit™ Group
To learn more about Holland Bloorview’s experience in partnering with families in a co-design process, watch their 38-minute webinar: The Power of Family Partnerships
Shared with permission from Holland Bloorview