August 2024
July 2024
- CIHI data reveals critical nursing shortage in Ontario
- Indigenous health organizations implementing RNAO’s evidence-based guidelines gather in Northern Ontario
June 2024
May 2024
- RNAO and the Indigenous Primary Health Care Council sign relationship agreement
- New guideline provides recommendations for interprofessional teams in digital health environments
- Toxic Drug Supply: The lived experience of those affected and a call to action
April 2024
March 2024
- Spring budget provides much needed expansion of primary care - Urgent investment missing to address the drug toxicity crisis
- Pharmacare agreement – a historic step forward for Canada
- Deadline extended: Submit your story to RNAO’s Media Awards by March 8
February 2024
- Nurses urge all MPPs to help address equity, diversity and inclusivity in nursing and health
- RNAO condemns Alberta’s proposed restrictions to transgender care
- RNAO welcomes Ontario Appeal court ruling that confirms Bill 124 was unconstitutional
- Nurses central to the agreement signed by prime minister and premier
- Gov’t investments in primary care an important step to address nurses’ longstanding asks
December 2023
- RNAO has the strategy for government to adopt in wake of auditor general report
- RNAO’s annual Media Awards competition now open
November 2023
October 2023
- Ontario nurses urge PM to move ahead with a science-based emissions cap for oil and gas sector
- CIHI report on hospital staffing and its impact on patient safety demands faster action
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
- Nurses from across Ontario to celebrate Change Through Unity and Action at RNAO’s in-person 98th Annual General Meeting
- RNAO celebrates health journalism with annual Media Awards
May 2023
- Nurses across Ontario host elected officials at their workplaces during Nursing Week
- Fourth Annual Nursing Now Ontario Awards Celebrate Outstanding Nurses
April 2023
- Nursing associations launch the national #HeyNurse campaign
- Long-term care homes join RNAO’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization program
March 2023
- Federal government must act as guardian of Canada’s universal health system: Nurses say
- Nurses urge Ontario government to reverse decision that would end access to funded health-care services for vulnerable people
- RNAO says budget recovery plan leaves the health of Ontarians and nursing behind
- Prioritizing community care, improving social determinants of health and addressing nursing shortages – foundational to future pandemic preparedness, RNAO says
February 2023
- Nominate your work for an RNAO Media Award: Deadline is Feb. 28
- RNAO welcomes health funding offer; Ottawa must set conditions for bilateral agreement with Ontario that addresses the nursing crisis and drops plan to fund for-profit clinics
- RNAO calls for political accountability on eve of crucial health funding meeting
January 2023
- National long-term care standards fall short of addressing staffing issues, says RNAO
- CAMH joins RNAO’s internationally recognized Best Practice Spotlight Organization® program
December 2022
- RNAO calls government decision to appeal court ruling on Bill 124 shameful; will exacerbate an already full-blown nursing crisis
- RNAO’s annual Media Awards competition now open
- 2023 Nursing Now Ontario Awards: Celebrating Excellence in Nursing
- Auditor general report highlights flawed vaccine rollout and the government’s disregard of nursing expertise
November 2022
- RNAO welcomes court ruling striking down Bill 124; deplores government’s intention to appeal
- Bring back mask mandate to protect children and reduce pressures on already-strained health system
- Nurses say the time for talk is over; concrete actions urgently needed to address the country’s nursing crisis
October 2022
- Wounds Canada and RNAO join forces to launch new interdisciplinary Wound Care Champion Program aimed at regulated health professionals in Ontario
- Nurses across Ontario call for mayoral candidates to support decriminalization of simple drug possession
August 2022
- RNAO releases In Focus mental health and addiction web page; calls on provincial government to commit to end the opioid overdose crisis
- Retaining and recruiting nurses: Key to getting Canada’s health system back on its feet
- RNAO welcomes gov’t measures to bolster the profession and address the nursing crisis, calls for bolder steps, warns against privatization
- Ontario throne speech recognizes nursing crisis; but budget offers baby steps when giant ones are needed to avoid a precipice
June 2022
May 2022
- Deep crisis in nursing demands urgent action by government, employers, educators and associations
- Budget offers a glimmer of hope for challenges facing the nursing profession and Ontarians
April 2022
- RNAO urges Premier Doug Ford not to lift mask mandates in high-risk settings due to end April 27
- Nurses praise federal government commitment to dental care, child care and co-op housing; insufficient increase in health transfers and lack of attention to climate emergency deeply concerning
March 2022
- RNAO applauds federal Liberal/NDP partnership to improve health and wellbeing of Canadians
- Ontario’s decision to drop mask mandate puts politics ahead of science, risking gains made
February 2022
- RNAO releases its 2022 provincial election platform; calls on party leaders to prioritize Ontarians’ health
- Ontario government must maintain key public health measures to address catastrophic surgical backlog: RNAO says
- Nursing report calls to end anti-Black racism and discrimination within the profession
- RNAO to release nursing report tackling anti-Black racism in the profession
January 2022
- RNAO calls out extremist and hateful actions driven by far-right on display in Ottawa
- Prioritize health system pressures ahead of lifting public health measures: RNAO says
- Government's "too little, too late" approach leading to hospital sector collapse, says RNAO
December 2021
- Ontario government surrendering its fight against Omicron: Says RNAO
- Ontario’s doctors and nurses thank those working over holidays to keep everyone safe
- RNAO says government’s new measures essential but not enough to blunt Omicron’s force
- RNAO welcomes plan to move up eligibility dates for third doses. Free rapid tests. Urges additional public health measures to slow down the spread of Omicron.
- Nursing crisis risks patient safety and health of Ontarians: Premier Ford must #RepealBill124 to prevent health-system collapse
- RNAO’s annual Media Awards competition now open
- RNAO issues call to all Ontario MPPs: #StandWithNurses by demanding Bill 124 be repealed
- RNAO welcomes expansion of boosters and says Omicron is the #VaccineInjusticeVariant
November 2021
- 2022 Nursing Now Ontario Awards: Celebrating nursing's best
- Nurses celebrate National Nurse Practitioner Week and call for scope expansion to improve access to the health system
- Gerente General de RNAO recibe Prestigioso Premio de Sigma Internacional por su Trayectoria Professional de Vida
- RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun receives Lifetime Achievement Award from Sigma International
- Ontario’s economic statement signals government’s concerns with nursing human resources
- RNAO deeply disappointed with Premier Ford’s decision on mandatory vaccination
October 2021
- RNAO is deeply disappointed with government’s reopening plan
- Mandate vaccinations for all health-care and education workers and immediately establish safe zones to protect patients, students and workers
- Ontario nurses call on the prime minister to stop the court battle with First Nations children and their families
- RNAO commends move to mandate vaccination for long-term care staff and urges the same for all other health and education sectors
September 2021
- RNAO calls for the government to shift its focus back to protecting Ontarians through vaccination
- Nurses urge Canadians to vote for a government that will guide the country through the pandemic and oversee a healthy recovery
- RNAO and OMA condemn anti-vaccine protests outside hospitals
- RNAO condemns protests outside health organizations
- RNAO welcomes Premier Ford taking important steps to implement vaccine certificates
August 2021
- Nurses call on voters to vote for a healthy recovery for all
- Ontario’s nurses welcome the province’s announcement and call for a stronger vaccine mandate and action on vaccine certificates
- RNAO welcomes continued public health restrictions and mandated vaccination for some health-care workers: More to be done to protect children and economy, nurses say
- RNAO calls on Ontario and federal governments to implement vaccine passports to help reopen Canada
- Ontario nurses welcome government’s school reopening plan; say additional measures needed to stave off worst effects of fourth wave
July 2021
June 2021
- RNAO supports Premier Ford’s announcement on schools as risk is too high
- RNAO celebrates the best in health-care journalism with its annual Media Awards
May 2021
- Nurses wrap up Nursing Week with a call to government to increase paid sick days and boost minimum wage
- Joint Statement by The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) and Ontario’s Universities on National Nursing Week
- Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission report receives thumbs up from RNAO; Will government act?
April 2021
- On the National Day of Mourning, RNAO issues statement in response to the Auditor General's special report
- RNAO applauds Ottawa's pandemic role and child care proposal, wants faster action on national standards for long-term care and new funding for pharmacare
- RNAO statement on paid sick days
- RNAO says government chooses ideology over science in its response to a rapidly escalating and deadly third wave
- RNAO says latest public health measures will help curb COVID-19 variants, urges greater utilization of nurses in vaccination rollout
- Nurses, other health professionals and the public call on the premier to enact stronger public health measures to control runaway pandemic
- RNAO says government’s “shutdown” announcement doesn’t go far enough to confront third wave of COVID-19
March 2021
- Results of nursing survey point to an alarming exodus from the profession following the pandemic, says RNAO
- Government’s reopening plan threatens the health of Ontarians
- Provincial budget fails to deliver urgent nursing investments to care for Ontarians and to sustain the profession through the pandemic and beyond
- Canada’s parliamentary poet laureate to provide tribute on the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
February 2021
- Vision for Tomorrow: RNAO’s Nurse Practitioner Task Force report makes recommendations to enhance and expand the role of NPs to improve timely access to quality care
- RNAO statement on the government’s re-opening announcement
January 2021
- Distribute COVID-19 Vaccines Through Community Providers NOW
- RNAO calls on Premier Ford to implement four measures to smother COVID-19
December 2020
- Health Care Associations Express Gratitude to Those Working Today to Keep Us All Safe
- RNAO invites journalists to submit their outstanding reporting for annual Media Awards competition
- Nursing Now Ontario Awards nominations now open
- RNAO says Ontario government, taking belated and delayed action, is failing Ontarians as virus runs rampant and endangers lives and our health-care system
- Long-Term Care staffing plan welcomed, but lack of urgency and legislated action will continue to devastate residents, their loved ones, and staff for years to come
- As New Modelling Confirms ICU Cases Climbing Toward Devastating Levels, Health Organizations Re-issue Plea for Tougher Government Restrictions and Help from Each Ontarian
- With ICU Cases Climbing Toward Potentially Devastating Levels, Health Organizations Plead for Ontarians to Celebrate Holiday Season Safely
- Nurses urge dedicated funding for infection prevention and control to combat wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care homes
November 2020
- RNAO says government’s measures too late and insufficient to break the transmission – but we must enact them fully within a COVID-Zero strategy
- Fall 2020 provincial budget once again leaves vulnerable populations to fend for themselves
- RNAO statement in response to the government’s announcement on increasing direct care for long-term care resident to four hours per day
October 2020
- RNAO endorses Bill 13: Time to Care Act and urges government to pass into law promptly
- Providing compassionate nursing care in an age of artificial intelligence
- RNAO relieved that Premier Ford engages late, but essential, action to lessen spread of COVID-19
- RNAO urges stricter measures to combat rapidly rising number of COVID-19 infections
September 2020
- Nurses say throne speech advances A Just Recovery for All
- RNAO joins global movement A Just Recovery for All
July 2020
- LTC staffing study highlights what RNAO has been saying for two decades: Government must immediately mandate hiring to avert second tragedy
- Thousands join call for the Nursing Home Basic Care Guarantee
- RNAO calls on government to immediately reunite families with their loved ones in all long-term care homes in Ontario
- RNAO launches new social media campaign #Maskathon
- RNAO’s 95th Annual General Meeting marks an impactful Year of the Nurse amid COVID-19
June 2020
- RNAO calls for a “Nursing Home Basic Care Guarantee” and provides staffing formula to Minister Fullerton for her July 31 report to legislature
- RNAO releases list of 35 reports and recommendations dating back 20 years documenting the government’s failings of Ontario long-term care sector
May 2020
- RNAO calls for Immediate Action in Response to the Canadian Armed Forces’ LTC report with Minister Fullerton’s July 31 Report to Legislature
- RNAO applauds government's announcement of expert commission to address long-standing systemic shortfalls in long-term care post-COVID
- RNAO saddened by the loss RN Brian Beattie to COVID-19
- Pandemic puts health system to the test: Nurses have answers for shortfalls
April 2020
March 2020
- RNAO response to Ontario economic statement
- RNAO public statement on COVID-19: personal protective equipment (PPE) & ventilators
- A Joint Message to Ontario's Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and Pharmacists
- Statement: RNAO and OMA Stress Personal Protective Equipment for Frontline Workers Is an Urgent Priority
For a full list of our media releases, visit our newsroom.