Sustaining change

Once a change has been achieved, the journey continues with a focus on sustaining it and creating lasting improvements. 

LCT Journey Step 3

To accelerate sustaining change, the three "Outcomes" of the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework ["Goals and outcomes are achieved"; "Change is scaled up, out or deep"; and "Capacity in leading change is increased"] and two of the action cycle phases of the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework ["Evaluate outcomes" and "Sustain knowledge use"] can be applied as complementary frameworks.  Three of the relevant framework components are highlighted below. For more details on these and the other components, see the framework pages. 

Social Movement Action Framework

Scaling up, scaling out and scaling deep a fall prevention initiative

A joint fall prevention program by RNAO and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) that was scaled up, scaled out and scaled deep.  

Knowledge-to-Action Framework

Evaluating the impact of implementing the Person- and Family-Centred Care BPG

Spectrum Health Care, a Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) and home health organization, evaluated care outcomes after implementing the Person- and Family-Centred best practice guideline (BPG). 

Spectrum Health Care
Spectrum Health Care
Knowledge-to-Action Framework

Sustaining best practices across multiple sites

The Region of Peel, a Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®), has sustained the implementation of the Assessment and Management of Pain best practice guideline (BPG) for almost a decade. 

Region of Peel
Region of Peel

Tools for sustaining change

Downloadable tips and tools to give you and your change team the know-how to effectively make change happen.

Other sections of the Leading Change Toolkit to support your change

In addition to "Sustaining change", the Leading Change Toolkit also has two other sections to support your change journey: "Planning for change" and "Making change happen". Considerations for engaging persons with lived experience in a change is also featured.   

LCT Journey Step 1
Planning for change

A change journey begins with "Planning for change" in which strategies to start a change process are applied. 

LCT Journey Step 2
Making change happen

Making change happen includes all of the strategies to achieve the practice change and its goals.  

people banner
Engaging persons with lived experience

The journey of achieving and sustaining change often includes engaging persons with lived experience to support a person- and family-centred practice change.