Case studies

Social Movement Action Framework

Social Movement Action Framework, Intrinsic motivation Making change happen

Mobilizing motivated staff, volunteers and physicians to go "green" at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

A group of volunteers, staff and physicians from St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, an acute care facility in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada engaged in a social movement to address environmental issues. This was due in part to the intrinsic motivation of these individuals and their collective energy for change. 

A group of volunteers, staff and physicians from St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, an acute care facility in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada engaged in a social movement to address environmental issues, such as carbon emissions (Herechuk et al., 2010). The change agents formed a team of grassroots activists called the Environmental Vision and Action. They were intrinsically motivated as environmental stewards to make sure changes were made that aligned with environmental determinants of health. Through the support of the hospital’s senior leadership team, the hospital went “green” with environmentally-driven organizational changes, including the creation of a model for environmental excellence. For more details, see Achieving environmental excellence through a multidisciplinary grassroots movement - ScienceDirect 

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
St Joseph
Social Movement Action Framework, Emerging leadership Making change happen

Leveraging transformational leadership to engage teams and enhance person- and family-centred care at Hamilton Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO)

Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) is a pre-designate Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) serving long-term care (LTC) homes in Hamilton, Haldimand-Norfolk, Brantford, Burlington and Niagara Regions.  Learn more about how they leveraged leadership to engage teams in person- and family-centred care in this case study. 

Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) is a pre-designate Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) serving long-term care (LTC) homes in Hamilton, Haldimand-Norfolk, Brantford, Burlington and Niagara Regions. BSO aims to enhance care and services for older adults with dementia, complex neurological conditions and mental health challenges who present with responsive behaviours through comprehensive assessment and the development of strategies to optimize care for the resident. 

The Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) BSO team supports 86 LTC homes with more than 11,200 beds combined. Using transformational leadership and applying key characteristics from the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework, the organization successfully shifted the culture of the organization to one that supports and sustains high quality and best practices by engaging and motivating staff.  Integral to the process was a strong core leadership team of interprofessional staff, intrinsic motivation and momentum.

The organization used RNAO’s BPSO model and gap (opportunity) analysis tools to identify and evaluate areas of improvement in process and practice in three fields of work during the implementation of three RNAO best practice guidelines (BPG) – Person and Family Centered Care, Identification and Assessment of Pain and the Management of Delirium, Dementia and Depression. The impact on personalized care and satisfaction with care are described in Figures 1 and 2.  

Figure 1: Percentage of residents and families participating in developing their personalized plan of care (assessments completed during referrals) 

Evaluation impact: There was a 50.3 per cent increase in residents’ and families’ participation in developing personalized care plans.  Data remained consistently above the HNHB average since January 2021.

Figure 2: Number of residents and families satisfied with their involvement in care and treatment planning

Evaluation impact: There was an 80 per cent increase in residents’ and families’ satisfaction with their involvement in the care and treatment plan at the five implementation sites. Survey results from the five implementation sites demonstrated that residents and families responded “always” and “usually” when asked if they were satisfied with their involvement in the care and treatment planning.

In addition to these outcomes, HNHB BSO has identified the following improvements via quantitative data: 

  • increased number of screenings and assessments for pain completed
  • improved consistency in the screening and assessments of delirium, dementia and depression for all clients
  • improvement of more than 80 per cent in the number of residents and families satisfied with their involvement in care and treatment planning

Lessons learned

While implementing the BPGs, HNHB BSO discovered several effective strategies, including the following: 

  • Engaging staff to agree on a common resident-centered goal by developing a “BSO High Five” program. This program recognizes front-line workers who have demonstrated a person-and family-centered approach to care and have motivated other staff to implement and sustain best practices.
  • Applying transformational leadership that focused on staff and stakeholder involvement and engaging them throughout the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation phases of BPG implementation.
  • Developing a best practice steering committee that includes formal and informal leaders, staff, and stakeholders. Persons with lived experience are also engaged in the committee to ensure the incorporation of a global perspective into the planning process from the start.
  • Ensuring best practices are on all meeting agendas to sustain momentum toward BPG implementation.
  • Conducting process and education gap analyses to address areas of improvement as part of a quality improvement project. 
  • Valuing staff-driven changes and improving synchronization between the project managers and the team to ensure cohesion, a common identity and a shared vision.
  • Understanding the importance of going slow and growing the changes to ensure the alignment amongst all staff. This was crucial to the planning and evaluation phases and allowed for the realignment of strategies and approaches, if necessary, during the implementation of projects. 

Shared with permission from Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO)


Social Movement Action Framework, Key characteristics Public visibility Making change happen

Using images and messages for a patient safety campaign

The Canadian Patient Safety Institute’s #ConquerSilence campaign uses images and powerful messaging to frame patient safety issues.  Read more in this case study. 

The Canadian Patient Safety Institute’s #ConquerSilence campaign uses images and powerful messaging to frame patient safety issues. The campaign includes webinars, podcasts, social media content and a communications toolkit. 

Canadian Patient Safety Institute
CPSI framing

Knowledge-to-Action Framework

Knowledge-to-Action Framework, Identify the problem

Conducting gap analyses to successfully implement new clinical practices at Tilbury Manor

Tilbury Manor, a long-term care home, chose to focus on provincially-mandated “required programs” when seeking to improve resident care using a gap analysis. 

Tilbury Manor, a 75-resident long-term care home in Tilbury chose to focus on provincially-mandated “required programs” (fall prevention, skin and wound care, continence care, bowel management and pain management) when seeking to improve resident care.

They conducted a gap analysis to compare their current practices with the best practices outlined in related RNAO best practice guidelines. Their analysis included an assessment of clinical practices, policies and documentation systems. The results of the gap analysis helped them create specific action plans.

Tilbury Manor then formed project teams led by nurses and supported by a team of champions. These teams proceeded to educate staff, implement new clinical practices, conduct care reviews and conduct audits.

Multiple positive outcomes were reported as a result of implementing these best practices including reductions in reports of pain, less use of restraints, and less falls, pressure ulcers and urinary tract infections.

Tilbury Manor
Tilbury Manor
Knowledge-to-Action Framework, Identify the problem

Identifying the problem at Cardioinfantil Foundation of Cardiology Institute (FCI-IC) to achieve excellence in care

Cardioinfantil Foundation of Cardiology Institute is an acute care facility with a goal of achieving excellence in care in the prioritized areas of fall prevention and wound care. 

Cardioinfantil Foundation of Cardiology Institute (FCI-IC) is a 340-bed hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. Recognizing that the use of best practice guidelines (BPG) for nursing care was uncommon in Colombia, they joined RNAO’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) program with the goal of achieving excellence in care.

FCI-IC had 10 years of evaluation data that revealed problems in specific clinical areas such as fall prevention and wound care. They conducted a baseline diagnostic evaluation to identify the highest priority problems to tackle and to select the most appropriate guidelines and best practice recommendations. As part of this, they surveyed their key partners in the change to learn more about their use of assessment tools, the status of electronic medical records, routine clinical practices such as the use of bed rails, and prevalence data.

This assessment process led to them selecting three RNAO BPGs as knowledge tools: Prevention of Falls and Fall Injuries in the Older AdultRisk Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcersand Assessment and Management of Foot Ulcers for People with Diabetes.

Bogotá, Colombia
Fundacion Cardioinfantil
Knowledge-to-Action Framework, Making change happen

Leveraging innovative quality monitoring - Humber River Hospital

Humber River Hospital is an acute care facility that has used continuous monitoring to determine the impact of BPG implementation and staff performance. 

A major acute-care hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Humber River Hospital has used continuous monitoring to determine the impact of their BPG implementation and staff performance.

These tiles, displayed on large screen monitors in a Command Centre (pictured above), are integrated into the daily delivery of care to support physicians, nurses, and other clinical staff. Each row within the tile represents a patient, followed by where they are located. By clicking on a patient, staff can see more information regarding the clinical criteria that put them on the tile.

With every patient, there is an expected time in which the issue should be resolved based on a service level set by the hospital. If the system detects that the process is taking longer than expected, the icon will escalate to amber and then to red, indicating a higher level of alert.

Tiles also include several quality monitoring indicators based on RNAO's best practice guidelines (BPG) related to fall risk intervention, wound and skin management, pain management and delirium management. By centralizing data in the Command Centre, the monitoring indicators empower clinicians so that they can intervene in a timely manner to ensure that best practices are followed. 

Read more about this innovative quality monitoring approach here: 

Humber River Hospital
Humber River Hospital

Engaging Persons with Lived Experiences

Engaging persons with lived experience

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital: Co-designing change through the active engagement of persons with lived experience

A case study from Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital focused on engaging persons with lived experience in a change process. 

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (hereafter referred to as Holland Bloorview) is a designated Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Holland Bloorview has an award-winning Family Leadership Program (FLP), through which family leaders partner with the organization and the Bloorview Research Institute to co-design, shape, and improve services, programs, and policies. Family leaders are families and caregivers who have received services at Holland Bloorview, and have lived experiences of paediatric disability. Family leaders’ roles include being a mentor to other families, an advisor to committees and working groups, and faculty who co-teach workshops to students and other families. 

Family leader roles from Holland Bloorview

 Family Leader Roles at Holland Bloorview. Photo provided with permission by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.

The ENFit Working Group is an example of a successful implementation co-design process within Holland Bloorview. The ENFit Working Group is an interprofessional team working on the adoption of a new type of connection on products used for enteral feeding  [feeding directly through the stomach or intestine via a tube]. By introducing the ENFit system, a best practice safety standard, the working group plans to reduce the risk of disconnecting the feeding tube from other medical tubes, and thus decrease harm to children and youth who require enteral feeding.

Family partnering graphic

Family Partnering with the EnFit Working Group. Photo provided with permission by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. 

The working group invited a family member and leader whose son had received services at Holland Bloorview. This family member had significant lived experience with enteral feeding management, enteral medication administration, and other complexities associated with enteral products. During the meetings, great attention was given to the potential impacts on persons and families. The group engaged the family member by:

  • co-creating the implementation plan
  • involving them in a failure mode affects analysis, which highlighted the impact of the feeding tube supplies on transitions to home, school, and other care settings
  • working with the family member to advocate for safe transitions within the provincial pediatric system, which led to the development of the Ontario Pediatric ENFit Group

To learn more about Holland Bloorview’s experience in partnering with families in a co-design process, watch their 38-minute webinar: The Power of Family Partnerships.

Toronto, Ontario
Image of two children running in a field