Expert Panel
The expert panel is composed of national and international experts, including interprofessional health-care providers from several sectors, patients and families with lived experience, and those with expertise in knowledge translation, implementation science, social movement thinking, quality improvement and best practice guideline implementation. They generously participated from February 2019 to October 2021 in the development and dissemination of the Leading Change Toolkit™, providing guidance, feedback and direction. Several of the expert panel members also participated in working groups to support the development of the Leading Change Toolkit™. These included working groups focused on the development of the concept analysis for social movement action, the assessment of KTA Tools and impact evaluation.
Declarations of interest that might be construed as constituting an actual, potential, or apparent conflict were made by all members of the Leading Change Toolkit™ expert panel, and members were asked to update their disclosures regularly throughout the development process. Information was requested about financial, intellectual, personal, and other interests and documented for future reference. No limiting conflicts were identified. For more details, see the "Declarations of conflicts of interest" statement by all of the members of the expert panel.