Case studies

Social Movement Action Framework

Social Movement Action Framework, Intrinsic motivation Making change happen

Mobilizing motivated staff, volunteers and physicians to go "green" at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

A group of volunteers, staff and physicians from St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, an acute care facility in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada engaged in a social movement to address environmental issues. This was due in part to the intrinsic motivation of these individuals and their collective energy for change. 

A group of volunteers, staff and physicians from St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, an acute care facility in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada engaged in a social movement to address environmental issues, such as carbon emissions (Herechuk et al., 2010). The change agents formed a team of grassroots activists called the Environmental Vision and Action. They were intrinsically motivated as environmental stewards to make sure changes were made that aligned with environmental determinants of health. Through the support of the hospital’s senior leadership team, the hospital went “green” with environmentally-driven organizational changes, including the creation of a model for environmental excellence. For more details, see Achieving environmental excellence through a multidisciplinary grassroots movement - ScienceDirect 

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
St Joseph
Social Movement Action Framework, Intrinsic motivation Making change happen

Championing clinical excellence through intrinsic motivation at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus

Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus championed clinical excellence through nurses' and other staff's leadership and intrinsic motivation. 

In Barcelona, Spain, Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, a Best Practice Spotlight Organization®(BPSO®) Nursing care | Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus (, nurses and other staff became RNAO Best Practice Champions in several clinical areas including breastfeeding, ostomy and wound care. A ceremony was held to recognize the champions’ leadership and their commitment to using evidence-based guidelines to achieve excellence in clinical practice. Their intrinsic motivation is evidenced by their dedication to providing best practices and optimizing their patients’ health and well-being. For more information, watch the video BPSO Program: Excellence in Cares of Infirmary - YouTube 

Vall d'Hebron
Vall d'Hebron