This video highlights the role of the preceptor in LTC, the attributes and skills required for this role, possible learning approaches, and supports from the team for the preceptor to enhance the student placement experience.
This five-part video series has been developed by the RNAO Long-Term Care Best Practices Program to support preceptors of nursing students in long-term care (LTC) placements to recognize the value of being a preceptor. The videos will highlight the preceptor role and how it supports personal and professional growth, as well as guide preceptors on how to enrich the student placement experience and outline the many nursing opportunities in the LTC sector.
This video highlights the role of the preceptor in LTC, the attributes and skills required for this role, possible learning approaches, and supports from the team for the preceptor to enhance the student placement experience.
This video highlights the preceptor’s role as a leader and professional as it reviews transformational leadership, the attributes of professionalism and the benefits of self-reflection.
This video highlights the communication skills and approaches preceptors can use to support an empowering and supportive learning environment for nursing students. It features the learning process, creating a communications plan, providing feedback, collaborating, diversity, managing conflict and celebrating success.
This video highlights the opportunities for the preceptor to share their experiences of working in LTC and provide insight into leadership development and career advancement in the LTC sector.
This video highlights resources available to support preceptors including evidence-based resources and learning opportunities.
College of Nurses of Ontario. Professional Standards, Revised 2002. CNO (2002) Professional Standard. Retrieved from www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/prac/41006_profstds.pdf
Dalhousie University. (n.d.). What is a preceptor? Retrieved from www.dal.ca/faculty/health/practice-education/for-students/what-is-a-preceptor-.html
Kinsella, E.A., Bossers, A., Ferguson, K., Jenkins, K., Bezzina, M.B., MacPhail, A., Moosa, T., Schurr, S., Whitehead, J. & Hobson, S. (2016). Preceptor Education Program for health professionals and students. (2nd ed.) London, ON: The University of Western Ontario. Retrieved from www.preceptor.ca
National Assessment Nursing Service. Retrieved from www.nnas.ca
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2007). Professionalism in nursing. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/professionalism-nursing
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Developing and sustaining nursing leadership best practice guideline. (2nd Ed.). Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/developing-and-sustaining-nursing-leadership
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Point-of-care Leadership. Tips and Tools for Nurses on Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership. Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from rnao.ca/bpg/resources/tips-and-tools-nurses-developing-and-sustaining-nursing-leadership
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership: Tips and Tools. Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from rnao.ca/sites/rnao-ca/files/LEADERSHIP_16.5_x_8.5_WEB_0.pdf
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Nurse Educator. Mental Health and Addiction Resource. Section three: Faculty Teaching Modalities and Reflective Practice. Retrieved from mharesource.rnao.ca/section-three-faculty-teaching-modalities-and-reflective-practice
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Intra-Professional Collaborative Practice among Nurses. Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/intra-professional-collaborative-practice-among-nurses
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2015). Person-and family-centred care. Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/person-and-family-centred-care
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2014). Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/abuse-and-neglect-older-adults
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2005). Educator's Resource: Integration of Best Practice Guidelines. Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/resources/educators-resource-integration-best-practice-guidelines
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Nurse Educator eHealth Resource: Integrating eHealth into the Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum. Retrieved from rnao.ca/sites/rnao-ca/files/RNAO.NurseEducator.eHealth.April2013.pdf
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017). Long-Term Care Best Practices Toolkit. Second Edition. Retrieved from ltctoolkit.rnao.ca
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Careers in Nursing. Available at careersinnursing.ca
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. RN Careers. Available at rncareers.ca
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Membership. Available at rnao.ca/membership
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