Integrating Tobacco Interventions into Daily Practice

Published: June 2017
Available in English, French, Spanish
Mental health and substance use,  Population health

Purpose and scope

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to provide best practices for tobacco interventions for nurses and other health-care providers across all care settings, with evidence-based recommendations related to assessment and interventions for adults who use tobacco. The scope…

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to provide best practices for tobacco interventions for nurses and other health-care providers across all care settings, with evidence-based recommendations related to assessment and interventions for adults who use tobacco.

The scope includes all forms of commercial tobacco and is not limited to smoking alone. The recommendations will help nurses and other health-care providers gain the knowledge required to screen all clients for tobacco use, implement an intervention plan with individuals who use tobacco, treat or refer clients, add tobacco use content to enhance health professional education programs, ensure tobacco intervention curriculum is facilitated by trained and skilled educators, and advocate for smoke- and vape-free policies in health-care delivery settings and in the community.

Get started


Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017). Integrating Tobacco Interventions into Daily Practice (3rd ed.) Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  


Do you want to learn about and implement the most- up-to-date evidence-based recommendations on this topic with your colleagues? Download and share the full best practice guideline (BPG), Integrating Tobacco Interventions into Daily Practice.
See below for a snapshot of the recommendations from this BPG. We strongly suggest you review the full BPG before implementing the recommendations and good practice statements. The BPG also includes further resources to support implementation and evaluation.  

Disclaimer: These guidelines are not binding for nurses, other health providers or the organizations that employ them. The use of these guidelines should be flexible and based on individual needs and local circumstances. They constitute neither a liability nor discharge from liability. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) gives any guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in them or accepts any liability with respect to loss, damage, injury or expense arising from any such errors or omission in the contents of this work.

Revision status

Current edition published: June 2017

This BPG replaces the RNAO Best Practice Guideline Integrating Smoking Cessation into Daily Nursing Practice (2003 with revision in 2007).


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