Expand the reach of and access to primary care to ensure all Ontarians are linked with a primary care team
"My view you know is that the ultimate destination is the nursing of the sick in their own homes...I look to the abolition of all hospitals and workhouse infirmaries. But it is no use to talk about the year 2000."
Florence Nightingale, 1867
Enhancing Community Care for Ontarians (ECCO) calls on the government and health system partners to strengthen community care and anchor the health system in primary care to better meet the health needs of all Ontarians. First released in 2012 and next in 2014, ECCO 3.0 aligns with much needed health system transformation that responds to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the flaws in the health system with:
Time to reflect and act ahead of the second wave of COVID-19.
We can and must do better by accelerating the provincial system transformation plans, and expanding on the strengths of the Ontario Health Teams (OHT).
An accessible, equitable, person-centred integrated and publicly-funded health system, delivered primarily on a not-for-profit basis, can only be realized when we have a robust community sector that anchored in primary care has those same attributes.
ECCO 3.0 at a Glance infographic
Expand the reach of and access to primary care to ensure all Ontarians are linked with a primary care team
Establish approaches to care that are person-centred, incorporate health promotion and disease prevention, and integrate equity and community engagement
Ensure all primary care is provided through an inter-professional team-based model
Enhance all community care services across the continuum of care
Expand the reach of and access to primary care to ensure all Ontarians are linked with a primary care team
Re-imagine long-term care (LTC) as 'home' to residents, and integrate nursing and retirement homes into enhanced community care plans and funding
Demonstrate a commitment to evidence-based practice across the health system
Optimize digital health technologies to improve access, enhance integration and support person-centred care
Maximize and enable the full scope of practice of all regulated health professionals
Align independent public health entities with the integrated health system, while increasing the overall funding to public health
These four 'transition recommendations' are necessary to move from the current state to the transformed health system:
Include primary care in a leadership role in the process of transforming the health system
Use a funding model for OHTs that drives them to realize the Quadruple Aim
Develop a single health-system planner and funder that oversees and supports networks of local health teams, allowing for enhanced health services and processes that realize the Quadruple Aim
Align independent public health entities with the integrated health system, while increasing the overall funding to public health
ECCO 3.0 is a clarion for urgent change: Find out more here!
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