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Oct. 27, 2022

RNAO’s Clinical BPG Institute celebrates 20 years

Clinical BPG Institute

From Sept. 13 – Oct. 11, 2022, RNAO welcomed more than 90 participants to its 20th annual Clinical BPG Institute.

This event is designed for nurses and other health professionals interested in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to introduce and sustain practice change in their organizations using best practice guidelines. Practical, concrete strategies and approaches from the Leading Change Toolkit were presented on how to create evidence-based practice cultures. Participants learned from change agents, including individuals from Best Practice Spotlight Organizations® (BPSO).  Speakers from primary care, acute care, home care, long-term care and academia shared their successes and experiences through interactive dialogue and engaging presentations.

If you missed this year’s event, please join us in 2023 for our 21st annual Clinical BPG Institute.