Latest news
Sept. 29, 2023

RNAO speaks out against move to for-profit health care

for-profit care protest

On Sept. 26 at Toronto's Queen’s Park, RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun was a keynote speaker at the Ontario Health Coalition’s protest against the provincial government’s privatization of public hospitals’ core services. Multiple rallies were also held across Ontario on Sept. 25.

The premier’s plans to expand for-profit care in Ontario “will worsen wait times and expand a two-tier system in which most Ontarians will lose,” said Grinspun. See more on RNAO’s X.

For-profit health care compromises quality, costs more, expands two-tier health system, erodes service in our public hospitals and worsens wait times. For-profit care diverts nurses, other health professionals and funding from the public system, leaving it with deteriorated services. Ontario’s hospitals are already facing a crisis.

Take action by signing and sharing RNAO’s Action Alert: Stop the move to for-profit health care, premier!