Latest news
Oct. 27, 2022

#DecriminalizeNow campaign update


During the first week of October, RNAO launched its #DecriminalizeNow campaign to call on mayoral candidates running in municipal elections across Ontario to support decriminalization of simple drug possession. RNAO and its members sent letters to mayoral candidates in more than 20 municipalities encouraging them to sign the pledge to help save lives amid an escalating public health crisis.

Check out the  dedicated web page to see which mayoral candidates signed the pledge.

The #DecriminalizeNow campaign also attracted media attention. Here is a list of some of the media outlets that published stories featuring RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun and President Dr. Claudette Holloway:

Thank you to the nurses who participated in the #DecriminalizeNow campaign.

To learn more about the overdose crisis, please read RNAO’s fact sheet and political action bulletin.