Emma Bingham is an RN with a wealth of clinical experience, currently working as a staff nurse in neurovascular and neurocritical care at Toronto Western Hospital. She holds a master’s of clinical nursing with a specialization in bioethics from the University of Toronto, where she is also an adjunct lecturer. Last year, Emma designed and implemented a new nursing role to support the response to Code Strokes at her organization, which has led to increased nurse job satisfaction, safer transitions of care, and accelerated emergency department throughPUT through rapid patient admission to critical care beds. Emma is completing research on the barriers to oral care provision in patients with neurological disorders, and is also mentoring two teams of nurses completing quality improvement projects. Emma is a clinical facilitator with the Michener Institute’s critical care program, and is completing her second Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship with RNAO. Emma is passionate about quality improvement, nursing ethics, supporting new learners and neuroscience nursing.
The Leadership Award in Nursing Education (Staff Development) is awarded to an RN or NP who practises excellence as a nurse educator in a health-care setting. This individual enhances the role of nursing by encouraging critical thinking, innovation and debate about important nursing issues, and acts as a role model and mentor in their work environment.