Assistant professor , Nipissing University
Louela Manankil-Rankin is a dedicated educator who has worked in nursing education for 20 years. She graduated from the University of Toronto in 1986 and achieved her PhD at McMaster University in 2015. She currently works as an assistant professor at Nipissing University and is co-lead for the school’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) program. She has mentored four RNAO fellows as part of RNAO’s Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship (ACPF), and was also a fellow herself. Her fellowship focused on helping nursing students transform into relational and compassionate practitioners. Manankil-Rankin has also served as the chapter president of Halton chapter (from 2017 to 2019). She says she has a passion for undergraduate education and credits her professional and personal values for how she approaches teaching. “I believe that a competent nurse is a thinking nurse. It is someone who can reason clinically and make a prudent judgment,” she says. The BPSO program at Nipissing University looks to help the next generation of nurses fully utilize the power of RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG) as well as learn from other BPSOs, she says, adding that being part of the BPSO program makes her especially honoured to be receiving a recognition award from RNAO.
The Leadership Award in Nursing Education (Academic) is awarded to the RN or NP who practises excellence as a nursing educator in a college or university setting. This individual enhances the image of nursing by encouraging critical thinking, innovation and debate about important nursing issues, and acts as a role model and mentor in their work environment.