RN, BScN, MSN, CCHN (C), Health Promotion Specialist, BPSO Coordinator, Toronto Public Health
Toronto Public Health
May Tao’s vision is to empower others to reach their potential, strive for excellence in public health practice and inspire organizations toward continuous quality improvement. May is a health promotion specialist at Toronto Public Health, where she leads their RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) initiative as well as mentoring several BPSO hospitals in China. She has a strong interest in evidence-informed practice, knowledge translation and effective strategies for guideline implementation. She has participated in the RNAO Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship program, building on her leadership and youth engagement practice. May is the past-president of the RNAO Community Health Nurses' Initiatives Group, an executive member of the RNAO Faith Community Nursing Interest Group and the Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario, and a co-chair of the Community Health Nurses of Canada Leadership Standing Committee.
The Leadership Award in BPG Implementation is awarded to the RN, NP or Ontario-based health-care organization that promotes excellence in nursing practice and nursing work-life balance. The recipient of this award works to enhance the image of nursing through the committed use and advancement of RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG) in the workplace.