Hôpital Montfort is Ontario’s Francophone academic hospital, offering exemplary person-centred care. Affiliated with the University of Ottawa, the hospital serves more than 1.2 million people in eastern Ontario, in both official languages. The daily actions of the Hôpital Montfort team are guided by compassion, respect, mutual support, excellence and accountability. In 2019, the hospital was named one of the world’s top 1,000 hospitals by Newsweek. Guided by the nursing leadership, and in collaboration with interprofessional teams, Hôpital Montfort achieved Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) designation in 2012 and has sustained the designation ever since. Being a BPSO has allowed the hospital to formally implement RNAO’s BPGs, which have had a positive impact on patient care. Being a BPSO means Hôpital Montfort supports its staff in taking patient care to a higher level of excellence. In addition, the hospital has a special and unique partnership with RNAO as Francophone BPSO Host and international reference for hospitals and health-sector organizations that want to adopt BPGs. It is also participating alongside other organizations as a member of a BPSO Ontario Health Team (OHT).
The Leadership Award in BPG Implementation is awarded to the RN, NP or Ontario-based health-care organization that promotes excellence in nursing practice and nursing work-life balance. The recipient of this award works to enhance the image of nursing through the committed use and advancement of RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG) in the workplace.