Registered nurse , Humber River Hospital
Comella Levers has been a registered nurse for 27 years. She holds a bachelor of science in nursing as well as master’s degree in public administration with a concentration in health-care administration and specialization in gerontology. Comella works at Toronto’s Humber River Hospital as the Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) clinical lead. She completed an RNAO Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship (ACPF) and has mentored other fellows for the program. Her ACPF focused on identifying evidence-based approaches to build a robust champions program and to implement best practices within a digital infrastructure. She values the implementation of best practice guidelines (BPG), which transform and improve patient care. She believes all health-care sectors should implement RNAO BPGs as a gold standard to change nursing practice at the bedside and empower nursing to transform quality care at all levels.
The Leadership Award in BPG Implementation is awarded to the RN, NP or Ontario-based health-care organization that promotes excellence in nursing practice and nursing work-life balance. The recipient of this award works to enhance the image of nursing through the committed use and advancement of RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG) in the workplace.