The Community Health Nurses’ Initiatives Group (CHNIG) prides itself on collaboration, a skill that community health nurses use in their day-to-day practice. The group, which includes over 850 members, has had a busy year with a variety of unique events. It collaborated with RNAO’s Peel chapter to co-ordinate a fall tour visit with RNAO President Angela Cooper Brathwaite in October 2019. It has also collaborated with the Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) to present a webinar about revisions to the standards of practice for community health nurses. The group’s executive has worked closely with RNAO home office to develop three webinars on the impact and issues around e-cigarettes and vaping. The interest group also had representatives attend Queen’s Park Day in 2019 and participate in Queen’s Park on the Road events to meet with MPPs. CHNIG held membership drives in February and March 2020, which resulted in more than 200 nursing students joining the group. May Tao, CHNIG chair, says the executive is thrilled the interest group has been selected as the recipient of this prestigious award, and to have the opportunity to spotlight the important work community health nurses do to help promote health, prevent diseases and reduce health inequities in Ontario and beyond.
The Interest Group of the Year award is given to an RNAO interest group that best demonstrates commitment to the nursing profession and active participation in RNAO initiatives. The interest group effectively communicates through a variety of means, which influences decision-makers and mobilizes RNs, NPs and nursing students for action. This interest group exhibits exemplary teamwork and strong leadership within the nursing and health-care community.