Members of the Middlesex Elgin Chapter executive – including Janet Hunt, Lauren Rogers, Chantal Singh, Nicole Forster and Marie Davis – are very honoured and excited to accept this Chapter of the Year Award in recognition of the work done within the chapter over the past year. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, this group has worked diligently to meet the ENDs of the association while also meeting the needs of local members. We have actively supported members’ mental health and wellness in a variety of virtual formats. We have engaged with students and supported their learning about the diversity of nursing roles. We have supported our community and increased awareness of issues related to homelessness. And we have connected with our local representatives in provincial and federal politics at virtual MPP and MP meetings, all-candidate debates and Take Your MPP To Work events. We look forward to continuing this rewarding work with RNAO and Middlesex Elgin as we move forward.
The Chapter of the Year award goes to a chapter or region without chapters (RWC) that best exemplifies a commitment to RNAO through active promotion, participation and initiation of projects that promote healthy public policy and the role of the RN or NP in its region. The chapter or RWC uses a variety of media and communications tools to effectively engage with its region, influence decision-makers, mobilize RNs/NPs to take action and increase membership. This chapter or RWC demonstrates strong leadership in its nursing and health-care community, and its activities reflect RNAO's ENDs.