Sheri Bruder
Sheri Bruder

Sheri Bruder is the RPN recipient of the 2021 Nursing Now Ontario Awards. Bruder is a mentor, role-model, and a trailblazer with an impeccable work ethic. Working at Brantford General Hospital’s centralized resource department, Bruder’s skills and experience are leveraged in multiple environments within the hospital.
As a leader, Bruder is approachable and amenable. She’s always willing to help new staff and guide them through in their professional journeys. She revels in individual and collective success of her co-workers. 
Bruder’s collaborative spirit and teamwork are evident in her interactions with members from different cross-functional units, whether it’s the physiotherapist, social worker or the manager. She’s always respectful and open to new ideas. By working collectively with others, Bruder fulfils her personal mandate as well as her organization’s goal to deliver patient-centric care. A staunch advocate for patients, she ensures she includes their perspectives during decision-making.
Bruder’s professionalism and commitment were at fore at the start of the pandemic when she rolled-up her sleeve and helped out the COVID-19 unit. During that time, Bruder kept herself updated on new policies and best practices by asking questions to the clinical educators, and then sharing the knowledge with other nurses. Bruder is always willing to lend her support to practical nursing students, new RPNs and experienced nurses. According to her colleagues, whenever Bruder notices a nurse struggling with her patient assignment, she helps them. Her spirit of generosity and kindness are her trademark traits. These coupled with her competence and intellect make her a model professional. 
Her positivity and optimism are an inspiration, notes her nominee adding Bruder makes the work environment better for everyone and epitomizes the true definition of a nurse.