Forum for Foot Care Nurses: Dialogue and Discussion (Part 3)

June 22, 2020

We continue our strong advocacy on the need to support the health-care system to meet the health care needs of Ontarians as we tackle COVID-19 and beyond.

We've received a number of emails from nurses who provide foot care services in a variety of settings (home care, retirement homes, long-term care, community clinics, and etc.) who are seeking information about the opening of services and how they will be able to resume their practice safely.  Many of these nurses are in independent practice, while others work in community funded programs.

In order to address the needs expressed by the nurses in this specialty area of practice, members of the IABPG and policy teams, along with Dr. Doris Grinspun, will be hosting a weekly webinar series for any foot care nurses who would like to join us for dialogue and discussion.