Engaging Best Practice Champions in Pain Assessment and Management

July 26, 2021

This presentation is designed to provide participants an understanding of the Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) journey of Mackenzie Health Care Long Term Care (MHLTC) with focus on their implementation of the Assessment and Management of Pain best practice guideline (BPG). 

The webinar highlighted the strategies utilized by the home in recruitment and engagement of champions, recognition of barriers and facilitators, dissemination and sustainability in their pain BPG implementation.

During this presentation participants:

  • gained a better understanding of strategies utilized by MHLTC in implementing the assessment and management of pain BPG
  • learned strategies that led to successfully recruit and engage all interprofessional team members and quality pain best practice champion
  • identified relation of implementing Pain BPG recommendations with improving and sustaining resident’s quality of life
  • learned how to implement and use pain assessment tools
  • learned to use best practices for ongoing quality improvement in pain management
  • learned how to effectively monitor and audit pain management


  • dissemination of knowledge with staff, families, and residents
  • ongoing implementation of latest approaches to pain management 
  • continuous capacity building of registered staff regarding management and assessment of pain


  • Clara Nisan, RN (EC), BScN, MN, NP-PHC, GNC(C), RAI(C) 
    Director of Clinical Services/Nurse Practitioner

  • Carey Burleigh, BSW, RSW

Mackenzie Health Care Long Term Care (MHLTC)