Creating & Sustaining Best Practice Guidelines (BPG) to Improve Quality and Safe Care in Long-Term Care

May 29, 2019

The Region of Peel will share their journey, successes and challenges with the implementation and sustainability of BPGs in long-term care (LTC). They will also describe their next steps as a Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO).

During this presentation, participants will learn how to:

  • Implement, spread & sustain BPGs across a multi-site long-term care home using a 'regional approach'
  • Utilize BPGs to improve quality and safe care for residents
  • Monitor activities and outcomes to sustain and continuously improve best practices in LTC
  • Overcome some of the challenges to BPG implementation and sustainability

Presenter and Credentials:
Kathleen (Kathy) Millar, MBA, CHE, AGDM, CRM, RN
Nurse Advisor, Practice, Innovation and Education (PIE)
Long Term Care, Regional Municipality of Peel

Regional Municipality of Peel
Kathleen Millar