Capacity Building and the Implementation of the Assessment and Interventions Perinatal Depression Best Practice Guideline

November 19, 2020

This Champions Information Sharing Webinar is designed for students and health or social service providers who are interested in building capacity for maternal mental health supports and increasing awareness and education on perinatal mood difficulties among service providers.

Perinatal mood disorders can impact maternal health, infant fetal development and overall child and family health. Provincially, there are high rates of maternal mental health difficulties and often, women do not receive the help they need and lack timely options for support and/or treatment. Service providers play an important role and thus, a focus on education for perinatal mental health risk factors, symptoms, screening and available resources will help best meet the needs of the families they serve.

This webinar will focus on practice and educational recommendations from RNAO’s Assessment and Interventions for Perinatal Depression, Second Edition, Best Practice Guideline.

During this presentation, participants will learn about: 

  • solution finding for community maternal mental health gaps
  • facilitating access to resources
  • the experience of providing service provider education on perinatal mood difficulties

There will be a question and answer period with the speaker and opportunities to network with the speaker and other champions after the webinar.


Rosemary Scofich, Public Health Nurse 
Family Health Program, Thunder Bay District Health Unit

Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Rosemary Scofich