Building a Team of Champions to Create and Sustain Change

December 16, 2021

This presentation highlighted how our team has been able to recruit and engage champions in our organization to lead change initiatives. It also gave practical tips for fostering champions' engagement and sustaining their engagement overtime. We hope that we would inspire other organizations to engage and utilize the skills of their champions to lead change in their organization.

During this presentation, participants learned:

  • tips to help recruit and engage champions
  • the importance of developing champion roles 
  • creating an interdisciplinary team of champions
  • the benefits of having champions in your organization
  • how we have structured our home to include champions that support best practice guideline implementation
  • strategies to help sustain champion engagement


  • Emily Cotter RN, BScN, assistant director of care, Nithview Community, Tri-County Mennonite Homes  
Nithview Home, Tri-County Mennonite Home
Emily Cotter