RNAO NP Research Chair - Sustainable Development Goals and the Quadruple Aim

np research chair

The model above depicts the key elements of RNAO's ground breaking NP Research Chair, and the six priority areas of research focus. Vision for Tomorrow, recommends investing in research to support NP practice and improved health outcomes. In implementing this recommendation, RNAO is fully supporting a position of NP research chair situated at RNAO. The NP research chair role will encompass collaborating with research leads in partnership with academic institutions to carry out research showcasing NP contributions in six priority areas including: primary care, Indigenous health, mental health and substance use, homelessness /people underhoused, older adult health, and acute care.  The NP research chair will also develop and oversee comprehensive program of research, establish a robust NP/CNS research database, and facilitate widespread dissemination of critical outcomes-based results. This unique research initiative will be fundamental in spotlighting the effectiveness of NPs/CNSs across all roles in our health system. It will also showcase NPs’ vital role in increasing access to care for all, especially for populations marginalized by inequities.

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