The call for a minimum of four worked hours of direct nursing and personal support services each day for each resident of Ontario’s nursing homes is getting louder. And, the government is listening. We can’t stop now - sign our Action Alert.
On Oct. 29, members of the Ontario legislature passed – unanimously -- Bill 13, the Time to Care Act, and sent it on to Committee. Bill 13 is the Private Member’s Bill of NDP Long-Term Care and Home Care Critic, Teresa Armstrong, MPP for London Fanshawe. Bill 13 proposes to amend the Long-Term Care Act to require a minimum of four worked hours of nursing and personal services for each resident, each day.
RNAO fully endorses Bill 13 and thanks the government, all party leaders and MPPs for supporting this Bill and the compassionate and evidence-based care it calls for.
And now we ask you to join thousands of others to urge Premier Ford to do more. The residents of Ontario’s nursing homes, their loved ones and the staff that care for them need the government to move even farther and faster and immediately implement the standards set out in RNAO’s Nursing Home Basic Care Guarantee.
Sign our Action Alert and make your voice heard!
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