Welcoming Cohort J of Best Practice Spotlight Organization long-term care homes

During an in-person orientation launch on April 13, RNAO was thrilled to welcome 15 Ontario long-term care (LTC) homes into its Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) program.
More than 60 representatives from the LTC homes beginning their BPSO journeys attended the full-day event, which featured presentations from the pre-designates as well as experienced BPSO-LTCs. The day was filled with inspiring and engaging discussions about the BPSO journey and what each home hopes to gain from this experience.
Attendees also heard from RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun about the world-renowned BPSO program, LTC Best Practices Program coordinators discussed best practice guideline (BPG) implementation, program manager Rita Wilson discussed Clinical Pathways, and special guest Minister of LTC Paul Calandra shared remarks about implementing four hours of direct care in all LTC homes, expanding home care and working with RNAO towards improving the LTC sector.
Congratulations to Cohort J for beginning their BPSO journeys! Thank you for your commitment to implement evidence-based care to improve care, quality of life and health outcomes for Ontario’s most vulnerable seniors.
For more information, read the media release.