RNAO’s presentation and submission on Bill 135

On Nov. 15, RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun and senior policy analyst Christina Pullano presented to the Standing Committee on Social Policy about Bill 135, Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023. As outlined in our submission, RNAO supports some elements of the bill, including the dissolution of Local Health Integration Networks, the proposed assignment of care coordinators to client provider organizations, home care organizations coordinating the care required by their clients and the deeper integration of health sectors. RNAO is deeply troubled that the bill doesn’t address major challenges within Ontario’s home and community care sector, including inadequate access to care, outdated funding models and a deep shortage of health human resources, specifically nurses. Given that Bill 135 is a transition bill, and that the end-state remains undefined, RNAO is calling on the government to disclose the critical terms of funding Ontario Health Teams, governance and public accountability, to ensure that our government’s progress to date on system integration is not undermined.
RNAO's vision is one of health for all Ontarians that is accessible, person-centred, equitable and integrated. Ontario’s health system should be It should be publicly funded and not-for profit delivered.
For more information, read RNAO’s submission to the Ministry of Health on Bill 135.