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Dec. 5, 2022

RNAO’s board of directors and assembly of leaders meetings

BOD mtg

In November, RNAO’s 2022 – 2023 board of directors met in-person for the first time since 2020 at RNAO’s new office in Toronto. The three-day meeting was filled with important and inspiring discussions about RNAO’s path forward. RNAO President Dr. Claudette Holloway and CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun delivered their reports, and members of RNAO’s home staff had the opportunity to introduce their teams and current work to the board members.

RNAO also hosted its membership executive network officers (ENO) for the virtual assembly of leaders meeting. During the meeting, members had the opportunity to provide high-level updates from their constituencies, ask questions, and hear from RNAO’s director of membership and services as well as assembly of leaders presenters about RNAO’s incredible membership growth. RNAO’s home office team also reviewed the new website with the assembly of leaders members, and discussed the staff and IG leaders shared the 2SLGBTQI+ In Focus.

Thank you to the board of directors and membership ENOs for your engagement and enthusiasm during the meetings, making RNAO’s collective of more than 50,400 members even stronger.

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