RNAO Clinical Pathways: Recap of Cohort 8 launch

On Jan 16-17, RNAO hosted an orientation launch for Cohort 8 of its RNAO Clinical Pathways program in partnership with PointClickCare. Approximately 40 representatives from the 20 long-term care (LTC) homes that are beginning their implementation journeys attended the in-person event at RNAO’s home office. They join more than 200 LTC homes across Ontario that have implemented the pathways.
RNAO Clinical Pathways are based on RNAO’s world-renowned best practice guidelines and contextualized for the LTC sector. They are embedded in PointClickCare’s Nursing Advantage Canada platform for ease of access by nurses and the interdisciplinary team. Grounded in research and evidence, RNAO Clinical Pathways enhance staff capacity for evidence-based practice, optimize resident-centred care and health outcomes, and support legislative and regulatory compliance.
Save the date: RNAO is hosting an in-person symposium on March 20 at 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET in Mississauga to celebrate the second anniversary of the RNAO Clinical Pathways Program. The theme for this symposium is Creating Sustainable Change for Optimal Resident-Centred Care. This event will bring together more than 200 nurse leaders from across Ontario, offering a unique opportunity for networking, learning, and sharing innovative strategies that foster and sustain resident-centred, evidence-based practices in LTC. It will feature a captivating keynote speaker, various presentations and a poster gallery.
Registration for this event is open to all LTC homes within Ontario. Register online to secure your spot.