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June 24, 2022

Welcoming new Indigenous-focused BPSOs

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In May 2022, RNAO’s Indigenous Health Program hosted a two-part virtual launch to welcome new Indigenous-focused Best Practice Spotlight Organizations® (BPSO): Shibogama First Nations Counciland Maamwesying North Shore Community Health Services Inc

The BPSO launch, which was attended by over 30 participants, was an invaluable opportunity to learn with and from each other. Guided by the traditional teachings of Elder Perry McLeod-Shabogesic, the launch included an overview of RNAO’s BPSO and Indigenous health programs, presentations from the incoming Indigenous-focused BPSOs about their communities and services, as well as guidance from the inaugural Indigenous-focused BPSO leads in regard to braiding traditional wise practices with RNAO’s best practice guidelines in a good way. Group activities reinforced the shared importance of collaboration with communities, revitalizing culture, and integrating Indigenous wellness and knowledge to support holistic health. It was a motivating and inspiring two-session event for RNAO staff and the Indigenous-focused BPSO collective. 

To learn more about the BPSO program, visit

Last updated
May 18, 2023