International Advisory Council on evidence-based nursing care meets at RNAO head office

RNAO welcomed the Nursing Quality Indicators for Reporting and Evaluation® (NQuIRE®) International Advisory Council (IAC) for its biannual meeting at its home office in Toronto from June 26-27.
The council, comprised of 12 experts in big data, quality improvement, performance measurement, health informatics and knowledge translation, met to discuss RNAO’s NQuIRE. The data system was launched in 2012 for Best Practice Spotlight Organizations® (BPSO®) to monitor and measure the impact of best practice guidelines (BPG). The council’s co-chairs are RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun and Dr. John Lavis, professor in the department of health evidence and impact at McMaster University, and head of RISE. IAC includes representatives from health and academic organizations in North America and abroad, including Spain and France.
The meeting focused on NQuIRE progress, new features and next steps. Equity, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) were weaved throughout all aspects of the meeting and are of critical importance as we strive for knowledge equity. The data collection through NQuIRE is used for rapid learning and quality improvement. It helps RNAO implementation coaches work with BPSOs in ensuring people in Ontario and around the world are consistently receiving high-quality care from nurses and other health professionals. More than 1,500 BPSOs benefit from using NQuIRE. The council members also discussed BPG development updates, progress in advancing BPSO Ontario Health Teams, RNAO Clinical Pathways, evaluating best practices in integrated systems of care and more.