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Feb. 1, 2023

Celebrating Black History Month 2023

Black History Month

During Black History Month in February and throughout the year, RNAO celebrates the many achievements and contributions of Black nurses. Alongside its members, RNAO also works and advocates to end anti-Black racism and discrimination in the nursing profession.

Last year during Black History Month, RNAO’s Black Nurses Task Force (BNTF) – a group of 17 Black nurses and nursing students led by co-chairs Dr. Angela Cooper Brathwaite and NP Corsita Garraway – released its report: Acknowledging, Addressing and Tackling Anti-Black Racism and Discrimination Within the Nursing Profession. The report includes 19 recommendations focused on education and awareness building, research, advocacy, and partnership with allies and interested parties.

RNAO is currently developing a trailblazing best practice guideline (BPG) based on the recommendations. The BPG’s development is well underway. In February, the guideline team will hold discussion groups to help refine the BPG’s scope. The discussion groups will focus on the lived experiences of Black nurses and on suggested anti-Black racism strategies and recommendations. The team is recruiting Black nurses in a variety of roles, including front-line staff, advanced practice, management, academia, policy and nursing students to join the discussion groups and offer valuable feedback to shape this BPG. RNAO will also open applications for those interested in being considered for the BPG expert panel member position. Stay tuned for details.

RNAO’s Black Nurses Leading Change (BNLC) interest group is co-chaired by BNTF members Dania Versailles and Daria Adele Juüdi-Hope. BNLC builds on the work of the task force, informing RNAO and its members on issues affecting Black nurses and nursing students. If you’re interested in becoming a member of BNLC, please visit MyRNAO. Follow BNLC on Twitter to stay updated on its activities and upcoming events.

RNAO will also be presenting a poster at the International Council of Nurses Conference taking place in Montreal (July 1-5, 2023), titled: Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Nursing: Black Nurses Leading Change. Register online to attend.

For updates on RNAO’s advocacy efforts in partnership with its members, please explore its Black Nurses and RNAO In Focus web page.

Join us in honouring Black History Month by sharing tweets with “#BlackHistoryMonth” and tagging @RNAO.