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RNAO & Nurse Practitioner Interest Group (NPIG) are hosting a special townhall to help nurse practitioners (NPs) build networks and support them in their application process for Inter professional Primary Care Teams.

Join us on Friday, May 26 from 12-1 p.m. ET to hear and exchange knowledge, tips and resources to help NPs and colleagues in submitting successful proposals to government's call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for inter professional primary care team models including Nurse Practitioner Led-Clinics (NPLCs).

You bring the questions, we will bring the answers.

Presenters and credentials:

From RNAO:

Dr. Doris Grinspun, RN, BScN, MSN, PhD. LLD(hon), Dr(hc), DHC, FAAN, FCAN, O.ONT, RNAO CEO

NP Lhamo Dolkar, BScN, CCCN, MN, NP 

Dr. Joanna Binch
, PhD, NP/MScN

NP Shayna McLauchlan, BScN, MScN, NP-PHC

From NPIG:

NP Shannon Clausen, BScN, MACP

Dr. Eric Staples, ND, RN, Miller Fellow, FCAN

Dr. Alanna Coleman, DNP, MN, NP-PHC