About this event:
In this webinar participants will learn about tools they can use to integrate storytelling into practice to transform care delivery and professional development. “Senior Flicks” – an initiative led by the Shepherd Village long-term care (LTC) site in Scarborough – provides older adults a platform to share their experiences through storytelling. The Shepherd Village nursing team shares the stories via YouTube. The Senior Flicks project translates RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG) into practice, improving long-term care (LTC) quality and resident engagement.
Impact on care delivery and professional growth
This webinar will help health-care professionals, caregivers and LTC administrators understand how storytelling enhances person-directed care, emotional wellbeing and inclusivity. Attendees will learn practical strategies to integrate storytelling into care, fostering deeper connections with residents and families. Implementing Senior Flicks can lead to:
- stronger emotional engagement between caregivers and seniors.
- improved communication among residents, families, and healthcare teams.
- culturally responsive, person-directed care that honors residents’ autonomy.
By attending, participants will expand their expertise in legacy storytelling and enhance prospects by incorporating BPGs into daily practice.
Who can benefit?
- Residents gain self-worth, reduced isolation, and emotional fulfillment.
- Families deepen connections and understanding of loved ones.
- Caregivers develop person-directed care skills and communication strategies.
- LTC organizations enhance resident satisfaction and innovation in care.
- The community benefits from intergenerational learning and inclusivity.
Presenters and credentials:
Jessica Kayitesi, RN, MScN. Sr. ADOC, Shepherd Village
Rich Janes, Director or Fund Development, Shepherd Village
Carlota Rubio, Shepherd Lodge resident