About this event:
Recognizing and responding safely to family violence is a critical component in fostering positive provider-person interactions. Past practice of routinely screening for family violence no longer aligns with emerging evidence. Current evidence suggests using a trauma-and violence-informed approach by providing indicator-based assessment.
Professionals should be alert to signs and symptoms of family violence and apply phased inquiry about them when it is safe to do so. Research shows there are essential steps to take before asking about family violence. If confirmed, practitioners should:
- respond safely
- assess risk
- discuss safety strategies
- make appropriate referrals
This webinar will allow participants to understand the importance of using a trauma-and violence-informed care when assessing and responding to family violence.
Presenters and credentials:
Angelina Cheung, York Region, Public Health Nurse
Naomi Higenbottam, York Region, Public Health Nurse