About this event:
The Registered Nurses Association (RNAO) in partnership with the Harm Reduction Nurses Association (HRNA), Community Health Nurses’ Interest Group (CHNIG), Mental Health Nurses Interest Group (MHNIG), MOMS Stop the Harm and the National Safer Supply Community of Practice (NSS-CoP) invite you to join us on May 23, 2023 for the Harm reduction 101: A social justice approach to care webinar.
Harm reduction is a foundational component of nursing practice. It involves policies, programmes and practices that aim primarily to reduce the adverse health, social and economic consequences of the use of legal and illegal psychoactive drugs without necessarily reducing drug consumption. Harm reduction is rooted firmly in the social justice movement and has been proven effective time and time again across the health care continuum.
In this webinar, participants will learn about the history of the harm reduction movement and its roots as a social justice movement by and for people who use drugs (PWUD). Participants will have an opportunity to discuss the intersections between harm reduction and nursing, recognizing that people who use are experts in their own care.
During the webinar participants will:
- learn about the history of harm reduction
- understand harm reduction as a social justice movement
- discuss the intersections between harm reduction and nursing
- understand allyship and recognize people who use drugs as experts in their own care
Presenters and credentials:
Maria Scotton, Harm Reduction Educator
Kathy Moreland, RN, BScN, Active member of MOMS STOP THE HARM
Corey Ranger, RN, BN, AVI Health & Community Services Clinical Nurse Specialist, Harm Reduction Nurses Association President