980 Oliver Rd.
Thunder Bay ON P7B 6V4
About this event:
RNAO is celebrating its ninth annual Fall Tour. RNAO's Lakehead Chapter is very proud to have had our application accepted – we've been selected as one of the stops along RNAO’s Fall Tour!!
Dr. Claudette Holloway, president of RNAO, will be visiting Thunder Bay on Oct. 18, 2023.
The Fall Tour is an opportunity for Lakehead Chapter members to meet Dr. Claudette Holloway. She will be speaking about RNAO’s advocacy and priorities. Join us and discuss your thoughts/ideas and ask questions related to nursing, health and health care.
What: Lakehead Chapter Fall Tour - Meet and Greet with RNAO President Dr. Claudette Holloway!
When: Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Where: Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre - Room 2178 (ICP Main)
Registration required. Open to Lakehead Chapter members, nursing staff and media.