The RNAO Mental Health and Substance Use Program offers evidence-based education resources and courses to develop and enhance knowledge and skills. All of the resources below are free of charge.


Engaging clients who use substances
Engaging clients who use substances

This course helps nurses and other health professionals support clients experiencing a substance use disorder. It will broaden your understanding of the factors that affect your clients.

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Nursing towards equity
Nursing towards equity

This course provides an overview on screening and intervening with people at risk for poverty, and integrating social determinants theory into your organizational practices. It also shares ways to apply health equity concepts into advocacy to create lasting change.

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Integrating tobacco interventions into daily practice
Integrating tobacco interventions into daily practice

This course provides nurses and other health professionals with the foundational knowledge to engage with their clients who use tobacco to help them quit, reduce or manage their withdrawal symptoms. It is a foundational module for tobacco interventions.

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Tobacco use and cessation with youth and young adults
Tobacco use and cessation with youth and young adults

This course covers key concepts such as prevalence rates, motivations for tobacco use and cessation, and specific interventions for youth and young adults. It will also provide you with the foundational information you need to design and execute youth-focused tobacco cessation programming.

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Learning Collections

Archived webinars

Approaches to Mental Health and Substance use for Health-Care Providers Supporting Indigenous People and Communities Webinar
September 2020 

Landscape & emerging issues with e-cigarettes webinar - Part 1
October 2020 

Preventing E-Cigarette use amongst Youth - Part 2
October 2020 

Video series

Mental health resources you can use any time

What is stigma?  

Motivational interviewing  

Screening Brief Intervention and Treatment