Are you excited about the work you're doing as an RNAO Best Practice Champion? Would you like to connect with others in your areas, who are also working on evidence-based practice? Apply now for funding for a Champions Open House!

Best Practice Champions Open Houses promote the networking and collaboration of Champions within and across organizations and regions. Open Houses can be hosted either in person or virtually. However all events must showcase Best Practice Champion projects and provide opportunities to share knowledge and lessons learned about implementation, evaluation and/or sustainability related to working with RNAO's best practice guidelines (BPG). 

Eligibility and Deadline

All individuals who have completed the Best Practice Champions training (in-person workshop, virtual learning series, virtual workshop or eLearn course), and who have obtained the support of their organization, may apply for funding.

Champions may submit an application once per fiscal year (April-March) on behalf of their organization for funding of up to $1,000.00 CAD. This may be used to fund one or more Open House events. Although applications will be accepted throughout the year, funding is granted on a first come, first served basis. Please note: applications must be submitted a minimum of four weeks in advance of the proposed Open House event.

Applications require the following details & must be submitted here: BPC Open House Funding Application

  1.  Description of networking event(s) including how the event will profile champions and BPG implementation projects, and provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with the organization and across the region/community;
  2.  Statement confirming that the Government of Ontario and local public health directives will be followed during a pandemic (e.g., COVID-19);
  3.  Budget breakdown – funding can be used to cover refreshments, materials, honoraria, and etc;
  4.  Marketing strategy, including audience (internal and external partners) and methods of promotion;
  5.  Engagement plan for stakeholders internal and external to your organization;
  6.  Evaluation plan;
  7.  Name and email of the champion who is applying for funding;
  8.  Name and contact information of an individual at the organization responsible for supervising/overseeing the event. This must be a person with signing authority such as a Director, Chief Nursing Executive/Officer. Note: Payment will be sent to the organization to the attention of this individual
  9.  Letter of support from the director/chief nursing executive or officer

Open House Event Report

  • Brief analysis of participants (numbers, roles, organizations)
  • Overall impression of the event
  • Evidence of success (i.e. networking outcomes, spin-off activities)
  • Summary of feedback from participants
  • Updated budget and receipts
  • A proposed topic and date to present at a Best Practice Champions Information Sharing Webinar   (20-25 minute presentation and participation in 10-15 minute discussion with the attendees) focusing on your experiences with best practice guideline implementation, evaluation and/or sustainability.

Examples of past Champion Open Houses 

Grey Bruce Health Unit, Owen Sound
Grey Bruce Health Unit, Owen Sound

To recognize future nurse leaders, local nursing students facilitated this open house event focused on the safety and well-being of nurses. Using a ‘passport’ (see below), attendees moved through different breakout sessions led by fellow nurses with a focus on specific evidence-based, self-care wellness/coping strategies.

Hospital Montfort, Ottawa
Hôpital Montfort, Ottawa

This open house event had a masquerade theme and was titled, "The Hidden Faces of Health Care." The focus of this event was to explain, in an innovative and artistic way, how health care can at times, be difficult for patients, their families and health-care providers

Grove Park Home, Barrie
Grove Park Home, Barrie

This Halloween-themed event launched the implementation of RNAO’s wound care best practice guidelines (BPG) wherein attendees visited different stations, each with trick-or-treating, to learn more about the Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) program, Champions, wound care assessment tools, visual aids and the successes of their BPG teams.

FJ Davey Home, Sault Ste. Marie
FJ Davey Home, Sault Ste. Marie

This come-and-go open house event provided a greater understanding of long-term care, the RNAO best practice guidelines that were implemented and the associated regulations that guide their decision-making, policies and processes. This event provided a great networking opportunity for the surrounding community, the health care sector, local businesses, clients of programs and other long-term care homes. 

Activities associated with the Best Practice Champions Network® are funded by the Ontario government and offered free of charge.