NP Lhamo Dolkar
RN(EC), MN, CCN [email]
Lhamo Dolkar is a nurse practitioner (NP) at Lakeridge Health GAIN clinic, ensuring that our seniors are able to live in their own homes safely and independently. Dolkar is a second career nurse and brings her international health-care experience into her Canadian nursing career. She has worked across various sectors, such as multidisciplinary clinics, group homes as youth counselor, acute care, nursing home, public health, and community health care. Dolkar is well aware of the global and local sociopolitical issues as well as the social determinants that impact health. Her passion for improving health for all, community development and advocacy has motivated her to always remain engaged and current.
Dolkar has been a proud RNAO member and nurse leader starting on the RNAO student board placement. Since then, she has been in various ENO positions such as PPAN, Communications and Chair in groups such as MCNIG, PEDNIG, Region 7, Region 8 Northumberland Chapter, and SNIG. Dolkar has served as a Board Representative for Region 7 and as Chair of Interest Groups. Her model of shared leadership and collaboration as the Region representative has led to many successful membership engagements. Dolkar’s nursing philosophy is based on client centered care that is centered in the context of culture and their environment. Her phenomenological experiences of her struggle as an immigrant, mother, health-care provider as a bedside RN and now as an NP, informs and directs her to become a nursing voice and empower others to do the same.