Displaying results 1 - 25 of 64
Dec. 6, 2021
All Financial Outcomes (from Q1, 2 & 3)
Dec. 6, 2021
Q3: What is the extent and nature of the evidence on enhanced RN scope of practice and its influence on patient/clinical, nurse/organizational and financial health outcomes?
Dec. 6, 2021
Combined Graphs [Outcomes associated with question 1 (RN staffing), question 2 (RN care), and question 3 (Enhanced RN scope of practice) have been combined]
Dec. 6, 2021
Q2: What is the extent and nature of the evidence examining RN care or RN-led health initiatives, including but not limited to comparisons of care provided by other HCPs, and their influence on patient/clinical, nurse/organizational and financial health outcomes?
Dec. 6, 2021
Q2: What is the extent and nature of the evidence examining RN care or RN-led health initiatives, including but not limited to comparisons of care provided by other HCPs, and their influence on patient/clinical, nurse/organizational and financial health outcomes?
Dec. 6, 2021
Q2: What is the extent and nature of the evidence examining RN care or RN-led health initiatives, including but not limited to comparisons of care provided by other HCPs, and their influence on patient/clinical, nurse/organizational and financial health outcomes?
Dec. 6, 2021
Q1: What is the extent and nature of the evidence examining RN staffing models and their influence on patient/clinical, nurse/organizational and financial health outcomes?
Dec. 6, 2021
What is the extent and nature of the evidence examining RN staffing models and their influence on patient/clinical, nurse/organizational and financial health outcomes?
Dec. 6, 2021
Private share of health expenditures (%): Ontario vs. rest of Canada
Dec. 6, 2021
Revenues Relative to GDP (%)
Dec. 6, 2021
Program Expenses Per Capita
Dec. 6, 2021
There is a clear and persistent imbalance between revenue and expenditures, which is not sustainable in the long run. The question is whether the solution should involve a reduction in spending or an increase in revenue, or a combination of the two, or a movement in the same direction with one dominating. For example, one could increase expenditures sustainably so long as revenues rose sufficiently quickly to yield a net reduction in the deficit. A comparison of Ontario with other provinces and territories reveals that Ontario is an outlier, consistently having the lowest or second lowest expenditures as a share of GDP. Notably, the only province that has lower program expenditure/GDP ratios are Alberta and Saskatchewan, and those lower ratios are entirely due to those provinces having a much higher per capita GDP than Ontario – about 32% higher for Alberta and about 15% higher for Saskatchewan. Alberta and Saskatchewan spend more per capita on programs than Ontario, as the next graph below shows.
Dec. 6, 2021
The reason for the jump in the debt/GDP ratio is the large and increasing deficits. The deficits are projected to decline for many jurisdictions in 2021-22, but they remain large and as a consequence, the debt/GDP ratio (above) was projected to increase in 2021-22 in spite of the drop in the deficits.
Dec. 6, 2021
Recent data from RBC and Statistics Canada confirm a marked trend towards rising provincial and federal deficits. There was a sharp projected jump in the debt/GDP ratio for 2020-21, with the ratio projected to deteriorate in a number of provinces, including Ontario. Ontario leads all provinces and territories in debt/GDP by a large margin, with the exception of Newfoundland. Figures from 2020-21 onwards (bolded) are projected.
Dec. 6, 2021
Ontario’s 2021 budget confirmed a jump in the program spending and in deficits for 2020-21, the year of the pandemic, although spending and deficits are projected to decline in 2021-22. Over the period 2011-12 to 2021-22, total spending (program spending plus interest payments) has always exceeded revenues, so there has always a deficit. In many years, program spending alone exceeded revenues.
Dec. 6, 2021
Age-Adjusted Per Capita Health Spending
Dec. 6, 2021
Health as a percentage of program spending
Dec. 6, 2021
Smoking Rates in Ontario 2017-2018
Dec. 6, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Deaths Among Ontario Long-Term Care Residents
Dec. 6, 2021
Prevalence of dementia and select mental health symptoms contributing to mental health acuity in long-term care home residents in 2018-2019
Dec. 6, 2021
Prevalence of household food insecurity in relation to racial/cultural identity and Indigenous status, 2017-2018, Canada
Dec. 6, 2021
Percentage of urban households in core housing need, Ontario
Dec. 6, 2021
Gini coefficients of adjusted market, total and after-tax income, Ontario
Dec. 6, 2021
Percentage of persons in low income, by age, sex and economic family type, Ontario
Dec. 6, 2021
Tuberculosis rates and cases