Establishing robust infrastructure

After assessing the local context, you might recognize the need for more financial resources, staffing, people with particular skills, or a reporting structure. Examples listed in the 'Additional resources' such as leadership or establishing a collaborative change team can help you meet these needs and establish the infrastructure required for successful implementation and sustainability.

Example: A strong infrastructure is critical for the success of sustainable practice change. For example, the infrastructure requirements for Best Practice Spotlight Organizations® (BPSO®) includes the formation of a steering committee with key stakeholders at different leadership levels in the organization; a BPSO® sponsor, who champions the BPSO® program within the senior leadership team; a BPSO® lead who devotes approximately at least half of their work time to oversee and mobilize the initiative; implementation teams and best practice guideline leads who are content experts on the topic and enable comprehensive implementation of best practices; the development of champions who mentor, teach, role model and motivate their peers; and structures to support reporting and decision-making  (Bajnok et al., 2018b, p. 149).


Accelerate Your Success: The Social Movement Action Framework’s element ‘Change is scaled up, scaled out, or scaled deep’ can help you and your team begin to think about how your change can make lasting impact within and (if applicable) beyond your local setting. Keeping in mind how your change can be expanded to another similar setting (scaled up), be modified to expand to a different setting (scaled out), or to ensure that the norms and values of this change is deeply rooted in individuals who practice the change (scaled deep); may assist you with thinking of ways to sustain the change.