RNAO and health equity
The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) recognizes and celebrates diversity in the nursing profession. The association remains dedicated to empowering its members from different communities and health sectors. It brings members’ voices, perspectives and experiences to the forefront and mobilizes action to improve health care for all. Explore RNAO’s current In Focus topics to learn more.
RNAO and health equity
Health system transformation
Registered Nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists and RNAO
Registered nurses (RN) led the development of RNAO almost ten decades ago, and have helped shape it into a dynamic professional organization that spans a broad range of interest groups, programs, events, and activities. With RN leadership, RNAO has expanded and evolved, to showcase the remarkable diversity of the nursing profession.
Nurse practitioners (NP) are positioned as global leaders of a new wave in health care that embraces the United Nations’ sustainable development goals and aims to advance an inclusive, equitable health and social system that leaves no one behind.
LTC Best Practice Program and RNAO
RNAO's LTC Best Practices Program sets the gold standard for resident care in the province. RNAO’s team of experienced LTC best practice coordinators are available to help improve the knowledge, skills and practices of the dedicated staff and management in Ontario LTC homes.
Nurses' health and wellbeing
RNAO is committed to assisting nurses in this time of crisis, and continue to develop solutions and strategies to support the health and wellbeing of Ontario’s nurses.
RNAO Mental Health and Substance Use Best Practices Program
RNAO is at the forefront of the system providing mental health supports to people in need of care and healing.
Leading Change Toolkit
The Leading Change Toolkit is an online open-access, evidence-informed implementation resource. The toolkit focuses on the uptake and sustainability of knowledge and uses two complementary frameworks (Social Movement Action and Knowledge to Action) to accelerate your success.
Each year, commencing at the beginning of Nursing Week, we encourage RNs, NPs and nursing students to take part in our annual Take Your MPP To Work™ political action event.
Contact your chapter/region policy and political action network officer and join RNAO’s advocacy on priority policy issues.
RNAO’s 25th Annual Queen’s Park Day (QPD) will be held on Feb. 27, 2025.