Common problems

Here are some common problems you and your change team may experience and some suggested strategies to address them:

Problem Description Strategies to address the problem
Only one value is associated with the shared concern or desired change, and it does not resonate with staff

When only one value is chosen for the shared concern or desired change, it can have a limiting effect as each person self-determines the importance of a value. 

Seek to root the change in multiple values as there is more likelihood that one or more of the values will be recognized by others. This can support widened influence and uptake.
The same values are used repeatedly for all change initiatives This approach can reduce the meaning, impact and importance of the shared concern or desired change and the underlying values. 

Avoid, where possible, the use of recurring values for a shared concern or desired change as this may reduce impact. 

Gain an understanding of the values and importance of the shared concern from diverse groups of individuals to be able to position it in ways that align with beliefs and priorities and are meaningful.   

The change is not perceived as credible and timely

Both values and credibility are needed to gain support for the urgent need for action for the shared cause.  

Ensure that the shared concern or desired change is framed or positioned as important, meaningful and supported by evidence, where applicable. Do not rely solely on values to drive change.  
Extrinsic sources of motivation are used when intrinsic motivation is present

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be powerful drivers for change but extrinsic motivation should be used sparingly when intrinsic motivation is present as external rewards may have less value.

Using extrinsic rewards can undermine or cheapen genuine interest and commitment, or be perceived as coercion or bribery.

While it is important to recognize intrinsic motivation and its role in fueling change, be aware that individuals have an innate need to be recognized and appreciated.

Take every opportunity to acknowledge and thank individuals for their efforts and commitment to achieve change. 

SOURCES: Jaben, 2016; Santos-Longhurst, 2019.